Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pro-LIfe and Social Justice Advocates - 2

Pro-Life and Social Justice Advocates – 2

In pursuit of the truth – – D-Day - Saturday, June 6, 2009

My purpose is to bring us together both sides and to help us understand that in the seamless garment there are intrinsically evil positions and prudential issues. What are the differences between the two? For example, consider the intrinsic evils of abortion and embryonic stem-cell research and the serious prudential issues of health care and immigration reform. With the first two there is no argument with the next two, we will have serious rational differences on how to solve with others these American prudential issues.

As a member of the “Cardinal Newman Society” it was hurtful to read the following: “The National Catholic Reporter (NCR), the flagship publication for festering liberal American Catholicism, amazingly had the gall to lay the blame for the nationwide protests at the feet of one man – Patrick Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society in Northern Virginia. NRC publisher and editor-in-chief Joe Feuerherd, referring to Patrick as “Ayatollah Reilly,” accused the Cardinal Newman Society of revving up its donor base by creating a “witch hunt.” # New Oxford Review, June 2009, p. 12

80 bishops condemned the Obama invitation. Catholics along with Pope John Paul II want Catholic colleges and universities like Notre Dame to be Catholic. Parents who send their children to Catholic institutions expect a Catholic education. St. Thomas Aquinas is the patron of Catholic Schools.

NCR is also the flagship for the CINOPS- (Catholic –in-name-only politicians.) I want to apologize again to the pro-evangelicals, Baptists and Mormons life advocates for this progressive and obsolete newspaper. Surely the Obama quislings Troika: Vice-President Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius are the most shameful examples of Catholic label politicians in American politics. {I may have left out the long list of other names in the Senate and Congress.} NCR is also the mouthpiece for the cafeteria Catholics and fallen away Catholic who very often become converts to other Christian religions.

President Obama has his own Troika. They are Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and the Teleprompter. When the President uses the teleprompter we really do not know who wrote the speech. In many ways, The National Catholic Reporter is to the CINOPS what The New York Times is to Obama; a mouth piece for their agendas. N.Y.T. is going bankrupt and when it does so let it be. Truth triumphs over half-truths and relativism. We don’t need a Pravda newspaper in America. President Obama is an experience and education for all Americans. In 2010, we vote out of office all of his supporters.

In fact, let us go back to the history of Catholics in Germany during the 1930’s. If you do not learn from that period; you will repeat those tragedies in America. Do you remember that charismatic and great oratorical skills leader? He was going to save the country from communism and solve their economic problems via National Socialism.

The Achilles Heel of president Obama is his utter blindness to the pre-born and the racism and genocide of Black Americans families. Let think and talk about this at another time. {The paperback book of Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism will help us.}

We can be proud that America is today a pro-life nation. 51% to 44%. The young people are beginning to realize that there is a difference between pro-life motherhood and pro-choice motherhood. They are alive today because of the first. Our goal is 60% pro-life.
George H. Kubeck

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