Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Wise and Unwise Priests - 4

The Wise and the Unwise Priests – 4
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, June 20, 2009

What has happened to Father Weslin?
Press Release – May 20th. 2009, New York Lambs of Christ – cont’d

Since the Rescue Movement began in the Eighties, I and almost 100,000 other Americans have been arrested, some suffered police brutality, some faced and endured harsh prison terms and fines for directly and always non-violently confronting evil of child killing at America’s state sanctioned killing centers.

I have gone to federal prison challenging the Clinton Administration’s FACE ACT and unconstitutional Buffer Zones. Legal costs, punitive fines and longer jail sentences eventually drove good men and women back into their homes to protect their families.
But never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have to ask.
Why would Notre Dame arrest and imprison a Catholic priest for trying to stop the killing of a baby? I was there because the man giving the orders to kill babies was there.

I carried Christ’s Cross and said The Rosary on the campus of Notre Dame dedicated to the Patroness of America and the Unborn in order to save the lives of our most precious babes while they are still dancing in their mothers’ wombs. It is my duty to speak out and stop the killing of God’s children.
For this, The President of Notre Dame had me arrested and put in jail. Who could ever believe what they saw on television sets across the country? One Catholic priest, the President of a Catholic University demanding police arrest and jail another brother priest while honoring a man who claims “irreconcilable” differences with the Holy Catholic Church!! … To be cont’d
R.I.P.: The bishops’ “Task Force” on Catholic Politicians by Kenneth D. Whitehead, excerpt from Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Aug. – Sept. 2007, cont’d

Yet many Catholic politicians not only make no effort to oppose legalized abortion;they often actively favor and promote it, along with such practices contrary to Catholic teaching – as enumerated by Archbishop Burke in a 2004 pastoral letter – as “embryonic stem-cell research, euthanasia, human cloning, or the recognition of a same-sex relationship as a legal marriage.” IT ALSO POSES A DIRECT AND CONTINUING CHALLENGE TO THE CREDIBILITY OF SOLEMN CHURCH TEACHINGS.

If prominent Catholic figures can set aside Church teachings without any consequences as far as their status in the Church is concerned, why average Catholics in the pews cannot also set aside teachings which they do not like. Church teachings can quickly dissolve into a non-binding series of “suggestions,” as in “the Ten Suggestions.” to be cont’d

George H. Kubeck, P.O. Box 865, Stanton, Ca. 90680, U.S.A.

P.S. At this point, it may be a good idea for you the Catholic laity and even other readers of this letter and blog to suggest solutions for the above most serious problem. “This blog is dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians.”
For me, it is simply to inform and persuade you to vote these scoundrels out of office. However, the culture of death media props them up and loves these CINOPS; also the silence of good people clergy and laity who do not want to get involved.

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