Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Satanic Fly in the Healing Ointment of Pro-Life

The Satanic Fly in the Healing Ointment of Pro-Life

In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, June 7, 2009

What is the best way to smear the pro-life movement? Well, Satan did it! The devil entered the soul of Scott Roeder and Scott murdered late term abortionist George Tiller last Sunday morning at Wichita Lutheran Church. God has infinite mercy and may both men be showered with His mercy and justice.

Figuratively Scott Roeder was like an alien from outer space and had fundamentally nothing to do with the work of the pro-life movement. Let’s examine this Satanic Fly in the ointment:

“Lindsay Roeder, who divorced Roeder in 1996 after 10 years of marriage, told the Topeda Capital-Journal that Roeder had a mental evaluation in the mid 1990s. Although he did not believe he had any mental health issues, “everyone else did.” She told the newspaper.

“He just felt these were his views,” she said of his position supporting the killing of people who kill others, such as abortion practitioners. “He followed the view of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” “It scared me,” she said of his approach, which has been linked to militia and anti-government groups and attitudes.

After serving 16 months in prison following a parole violation after officials found a license plate altered with anti-government slogans and bomb making materials in his car and home, A SHAWNEE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT JUDGE SAID ROEDER PRESENTED A “THREAT OF DANGER TO THE PUBLIC.”

Roeder has no links to any legitimate pro-life group other than a couple of postings on a public forum on a pro-life web site. Otherwise he has never been a volunteer of, staff member of or in any way associated with national, state or local pro-life groups.” + Steven Ertelt, Wichita KS ( – June 1, 2009

“In 1996, officials in Kansas apparently stopped his vehicle for not having a valid license plate, which he altered as an act of anti-government protest. His license plate apparently had slogans such as “Private Property, Immunity Declared at Law, Non-Commercial American. According to the Kansas City Star, the FBI suspected Roeder of having ties with the Montana Freemen, a militia group, which had had standoffs with authorities.” # ( – June 1, 2009

“Scott Roeder, a 51-year-old abortion opponent, was arrested a few hours after the shooting just outside of Kansas City. He was charged two days later with the attack at the church, WHERE HE HAD OCCASIONALLY ATTENDED SERVICES TWO MONTH EARLIER.”& Houston Chronicle, R. Hegeman, AP – June 6, 2009

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE UNDERLINED PORTION OF THE PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH. WASN’T ROEDER ALREADY IDENTIFIED AS A“THREAT OF DANGER TO THE PUBLIC?” The Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder will be making the investigation. I hope other investigative and experienced journalist will delve into this most serious pre-meditated murder.
George H. Kubeck

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