Friday, June 19, 2009

The Wise and Unwise Priests - 3

The Wise and Unwise Priests – 3
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, June 19, 2009

What has happened to Father Weslin?

Press Release: - May 20th, New York Lambs of Christ – cont’d

+A president who has promised Planned Parenthood that he will support The Freedom of Choice Act which will overturn any states’ laws the in effect have reduced the number of abortions.
+A President who calls his vote in the Senate designed to save the live of disabled Terri Schindler Schiavo from court ordered death by intentional starvation and dehydration a mistake,
+A President who now wants to deny medical personnel and pharmacists their rights to conscientiously object to participating in his Culture of Death vision.
+A President who uses our money as taxpayers to fund abortionists for the intentional continued “depopulation” of our brothers and sisters overseas.
+A President who uses our money to fund unnecessary and cannibalistic embryonic research while adult stem cell research is ethical and proving in over 70 instances to help or cure various diseases.
+A President who declares that waterboarding terrorists is torture yet supports the most egregious and cruel methods of torture for God’s most defenseless children in their mothers’ wombs.
+A President who even denies fully born children of botched abortions their rights to comfort & care by other medical personnel after the abortionist does his dastardly deed.

Notre Dame’s Administration and Board of Directors distinctly ignored all these good and faithful men and women’s pleas and the above record of this President. Thus I found myself compelled to do what I have always done. Defend Innocent Life by an act of prayer, non-violent civil disobedience on the campus of Notre Dame. To be continued.
R.I.P.: The bishops” “Task Force” on Catholic Politicians by Kenneth D. Whitehead, excerpts from Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Aug. – Sept. 2007, cont’d

Pope John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae on the “Gospel of Life,” which clearly states that “in the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is never licit to obey it, to take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of it, or to vote for it.” Moreover, “Evangelium Vitae” further says there is “a grave and clear obligation to oppose” laws considered intrinsically unjust. To be continued
George H. Kubeck

P.S. Pray and persuade Governor Mario Cuomo to change his mind and write a retraction to what he wrote and spoke out at Notre Dame 25 years ago. The Governor must realize that had he spoken as a Republican, he would have been denounced as a heretic. Almost all pro-choice Catholic Democratic politicians use Cuomo as a reference point. The Governor has a great respect and fondness for Pope John Paul II. In the name of Blessed John Paul II, you Governor Mario Cuomo can make the retraction. E-mail this letter to the Governor.

Please Governor; abortion is the tip of an evil iceberg. Pro-choice has morphed into the intrinsic evils of assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, and SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. (Finally, I perceive President Obama as blind to the destruction of the Black Family via racism and genocide with 17 of the 50 million abortions who are black.)

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