Friday, June 4, 2010

California's Eight Scarlet Women

California’s Eight Scarlet Women
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, June 4, 2010


These eight California Congresswomen use the Catholic-label when they run for office. One figures they know who they are. But when they vote and open their mouths they are at times incomprehensible. They seem like puppets and stooges for the people around them. My beef is that I don’t like American Catholic-label politicians behaving and voting like idiots for the culture of death. Had they used the Baptist or Evangelical-label they would have been thrown out of their congregations years ago? As Catholics, they possibly excommunicated themselves.

We are going to talk about the Democratic Party mindset before Obama became President of the United States. I think he got some of his ideas from prominent Catholic-label politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Senators Ted Kennedy, Dick Durbin, John Kerry, etc.

The eight scarlet women voted for the Obama Health Care Bill on March 21, 2010. Without their vote the bill would not have passed. That’s why they are scarlet. The bill is government intrusion into our personal health care and it also gives free abortion coverage and hardly any protection of conscience for doctors and health care workers. We are a pro-life center-right nation!

Who are these women? In the dock we have Nancy Pelosi (8th District), Jackie Speier (12th), Anna Eshoo (14th)Diane Watson (33rd), Lucille Roybal-Allard (34th), Grace Napolitano (38th), Linda Sanchez (39th), and Loretta Sanchez (47th). Their health care vote is just the tip of the evil iceberg.

Their newest member is Jackie Speier. Let’s check out the votes of the other seven congresswomen. They voted against the Stem-Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th) and the Marriage Amendment Act (109th). {Ref. Catholic Advocate: …Morley Institute for Church & Culture}

They voted against ++++ A.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th); ++++ B.) Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th); ++++ C.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th): passage (108th); ++++D.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (109th). Wait a Minute! What’s going on here? It’s like voting against Common Sense, Natural Law, Motherhood, Fatherhood, Marriage and Family. The Seven Scarlets have gotten away with murder not only of the unborn but also of the living.

In all fairness and justice to the voters in their district, the 8 Congresswomen should not use the Catholic label when they run for office this Nov. 2nd. Otherwise it is hypocritical and fraudulent. In all areas of politics, voters are fed up with this kind of representation not only religious but political.

As I check the newspaper clippings of Loretta Sanchez from the Orange County Register, she is for women in combat; and repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law. For any culture not only Latino that kind of mindset is pathetic, disgusting, and shameful. You decide! Vote Nov. 2nd.
George H. Kubeck

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