Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mindszenty Report: Mexico - 3 of 4

Mindszenty Report: Mexico – 3 of 4
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Be forewarned that this article by William A. Borst in last year’s Mindszenty Report – April - 2009 will shock you. For Obama to play politics in this matter is divisive and destructive to our national unity.

An Open Civil War: cont’d
“Each day the media reports the carnage of beheadings, mutilation and other gruesome murders. The constant barrage of bloody violence often rivals the news from Baghdad or Fallujah during the worst months in Iraq. Over 10,000 people have been killed in drug related violence, with over 6,000 deaths in 2008 alone. That same year there were 950 kidnappings in Mexico, making Mexico City the # 1 city for kidnapping in the world.

“… The town of Ciudad Juarez, a city of 1.3 million across the border from El Paso, is purported to be one of the most violent spots on the face of the earth. The drug cartels have created an atmosphere of violence that has made it virtually impossible to enforce local drug laws… Thanks to the violence and the widespread bribing of Mexican officials, all leading social and economic indicators warn that Mexico, which has the world’s 12th largest economy, is teetering on a slippery slope of economic uncertainty that points to its eventual collapse. According to Fred Burton, a former State Department counterterrorism official, as Mexican economy worsens; there will be increased violence….

A Homeland Invasion:
“If Mexico does dissolve into a drugocracy, the consequences for the U.S. would be extremely ominous. The situation in Mexico is so serious it cannot help but penetrate America’s porous border with a steady stream of violence that will disrupt its Southwest. Mexican gangs are already running billions of dollars of drugs into the United States and funding violent criminal organizations in many towns and cities.

“The U.S. Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center reported that Mexican drug gangs are killing people in towns from El Paso to Brownville. El Paso has also experienced an influx of upper middle income Mexicans fleeing the violence in Juarez, Mexico, one of the most dangerous and deadly m places on earth. In a Birmingham, Alabama suburb, the bodies of five Mexican men were found slain and brutally mutilated. Their murders appear to be the work of Narco-terrorists, according to DEA officials on the scene. Narco-terrorism has seeped as far inland as Florida and Wisconsin.

“According to a recent report by the National Drug Intelligence Center, the influence of Mexican drug trafficking organizations over domestic drug trafficking is unrivaled. Mexican drug cartels now control most of the U.S. drug market, with an amazing sophisticated communication system that has organized over 230 gangs across America. Membership in these gangs is over one million with the Mexican drug lords playing major roles in U.S. crimes rings. This threat is increased by the fact that in some areas of U.S. the cartels have entered into partnerships with local gangs…”

George H. Kubeck

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