Sunday, June 6, 2010

Flies in the Obama White House

Flies in the Obama White House
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, June 6, 2010

Occasionally you get a fly in your kitchen or dining room. It really bugs me. You wait for the fly to land on the walls or table. But this smart one didn’t. I spotted it on the rug and killed it.

Well in the Obama White House of elites and czars we have at least five flies. They consider these flies normal. I do not understand. We are a pro-life center-right nation. We view these flies abnormal. But who are we to voice our objections? WE ARE AMERICA!

The same-sex marriage fly drives me up the wall. The President wants to change the two thousand year old definition of marriage between a man and woman to include same-sex unions. That is absolutely wrong. Feelings don’t make a thing right. Natural Law, common sense and the Ten Commandments make it right. {The CINOPs are subversive and also promotes same-sex marriage.}

Then there is the White House religion of Global Warming and Cap and Trade Fly. This happens to the elites who have lost faith in the Judeo-Christian religion and traditional America and need a substitute religion. The problem is that the President wants to force this new secular religion down our pocket books and our minds. There is no scientific basis for this religion.

Congress passed the ENDA Employment Non-Discrimination Act Fly Legislation. Churches, religious schools and other institutions will be forced to hire people who openly defy their core beliefs. It is in your face legislation promoted by gay extremists. I believe that the gay extremists do not speak for the homosexuals in America. I have never seen any poling by Gallup or Rasmussen on this matter.

Congress also passed the so-called Hate-Crime Fly Bill. It makes sexual orientation a protected class, alongside race, religion and gender. We already have laws on the books protecting and respecting the rights of homosexuals. But this law is to harass and muzzle any Christian to express his religious beliefs because of 2% of the population feels hurt by the Ten Commandments.

The President wants to repeal DADT FLY “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law in the military. I served in the Army for almost three and one-half years. {Berlin Crisis} I think the present law is OK. Why change it for political and false social engineering purposes and undermine our military effectiveness.

Well we come now to Election Day in California, Tuesdays, June 8th and Nov. 2nd. From which political party do all the above flies originate? Which is the political party that put California into bankruptcy? Some of their candidates look like a teacher’s polished Red Apple. But the core of the party they belong to is rotten. You Decide! Please vote them out of office?

George H. Kubeck - e-mail to relatives and friends
P.S. The albatross around our country’s neck are political correctness and the mass media.

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