Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Leftists Elite: The Arrogance of Power: Mindszenty REport

The Leftist Elite: The Arrogance of Power: Mindszenty Report
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Again William A. Borst, Phd. has written an insightful article in the Mindszenty Report, June 2010 on President Barack Obama’s presidency. - Here are several excerpts:

“The Arrogance of Power In the ordinary parlance of politics the term liberal elite is a controversial phrase that describes people, often well-educated wealthy members of a left-leaning political group whose wide influence is vastly disproportionate to their numbers. In less than two years President Obama, his cabinet and auxiliary czars have demonstrated an uncanny sense of superiority that has characterized the left for generations. Without prompting they exude what the late Senator from Arkansas William J. Fulbright called the arrogance of power.

“During the 2008 campaign in San Francisco, Obama noted that decades of dissatisfaction with Washington’s unfulfilled promises had left many Americans, bitter and clinging to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustration. Later there was the snide remark that the people should be thanking me for raising their taxes. Or in recent remarks to Wall St. that at some point you have made enough money!

“Nothing better illustrates the president’s elitist attitude than his antipathy toward the Tea Party Movement and the election of Scott Brown to fill the vacancy left by the death of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. The Obama regime erroneously interpreted Brown’s election as just another angry reaction against all incumbents because of the failures of the Bush administration.

“Obama failed to see that it was the paternalistic pandering of his tyrannical policies that cause their recalcitrant reaction. He was so blinded by his own arrogance that he failed to understand his forced-fed agenda and his aggrandizement of power caused the Tea Parties and voter rebellion at the polls….

The Conscience of Humanity: From the Enlightenment, liberal elitism has spread throughout American society. Outside of the Beltway, no area of American culture has exercised its elitist sense of importance more than the ivy-covered walls of academia where thousands of scholarly professors whose high intelligence often reflects their abject disdain for ordinary people.

For generations many professors had sautéed in their own jealous juices because society had not properly recognized them… Countless polls and surveys over the years have demonstrated that the vast majority of these professors held extreme liberal political and social viewpoints that separate from mainstream Americans. Many of them are atheists or agnostics, who believe that their superior intelligence have set them above the rabble. The polls also underscore how few conservatives have faculty positions on the elite university campuses…

George H. Kubeck, Our nation’s most powerful weapon is the truth.

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