Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letter to the U.S.A. Catholic Bishops - Part 1 of 2

In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, June 12th, 2010

We are a group of Catholics who are concerned about the intrusion of the United States government into our lives both on a secular as well as religious level. We are concerned that the Catholic Church approves some of these intrusions. In 2009 we formed an organization called Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty. Our group is open to all who subscribe to our conservative Judeo-Christian core values.

We are also part of the Tea Party movement, but as Catholics, we maintain our Catholic values in the scope of our political pursuits.
We believe in minimal government, a free market system, and a government founded on Judeo-Christian values. We believe that freedom and a respect for life are essential to a civil society. We believe that capitalism and a free market are vital to human dignity, economic order and human progress. We believe that charity should be the responsibility of the individual and not the state. The confiscation through taxes by the state of assets from one individual to give to another is a double theft. It forcibly takes one’s rightful possession and simultaneously deprives that person the opportunity and means to be charitable and give of one’s own free will.

We believe that Judeo-Christian values should underlie the foundation family, education and morals. We believe our rights come from God and not from the government. We believe in the importance of limited government so tenaciously held by our country’s Founding Fathers. We use the U.S. Constitution as guide, as well as the words of our Founding Fathers, who were influenced by God and the Holy Bible. And we are committed to the preservation of the United States of America.

We are disappointed that some bishops and priests are showing a total disregard for the laws of the United States and the true traditions of the Church. The so called Progressive agenda being imposed on this country is draining our resources without concern for what this country will look like in the future. These policies will burden the nation with debt and cripple the economy so that we will no longer have a strong economy. The Progressive agenda has no regard for the future generations who will have to pay for the failed social programs such as health care and illegal immigration. Many clergy promote the misnamed “Social Justice” concepts that are really the means of creating social injustice through the forced redistribution of honorably earned assets…

George H. Kubeck,
The above is Part I of 2 DRAFT. The letter was handed out by John from the Tea Party Patriots 405/605. It is a letter appropriate for our times. You can study it and make any additions or corrections and send to all bishops.

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