Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What is Nancy Pelosi?

What is Nancy Pelosi?
In pursuit of the truth – –

Here are the facts! YOU DECIDE! Imagine, you call yourself Catholic and you vote as follows:

+++ VOTED AGAINST THE CATHOLIC POSITION: REF. “SCORECARD OF CATHOLICS IN CONGRESS”++++ A. - 1.) “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007” (S.5) (6-707) Roll Call 443 110th Congress.

2.) Stupak-Pitts Amendment – HR 3962 (11-7-09) Government run health insurance plan cannot cover abortion – 111th Congress 3.) Marriage Amendment Act (109th) 4.) Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th) 5.)Abortion in Military medical facilities (109th) 6.) Coercive abortion / United Nations Population Fund (109th) 7.) Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) 8.) Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th) 9.) Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th) 10.) Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th) – Ref. Catholic Advocate – A Project of the Morley Institute for Church & Culture.

B. - “Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies With The Values of Jesus, ‘The Word Made Flesh’ Tues. June 1, 2010 by Nicholas Ballasy. Video Reporter
“Pelosi who is a Catholic and who favors legalized abortion voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion that was enacted into law in 2003.
“At a May 6 Catholic Community Conference on Capitol Hill, the speaker said. They ask me all the time. ‘What is your favorite this? What is your favorite that? And one time. What is your favorite word? And I said, ‘My favorite word? That is really easy. My favorite word is the Word. Is the Word. And that is everything. It says it all for us. And you know the biblical reference. You know the Gospel reference of the Word.” And that Word, Pelosi said, “is we have to give voice to what that means in terms of public policy that would be in keeping with the values of the Word. The Word isn’t it a beautiful word when you think of it? It just covers everything. …
“John 1-14 states, ‘And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.” …

“After Pope Benedict met privately with Speaker-Pelosi in February 2009, the Vatican issued a statement saying, “His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death in enjoin all Catholics and especially legislators, jurists and those responsible for the common good of society, to work in cooperation with all men and women of good will in creating a just system of laws capable of protecting human life at all stages of its development.”

C. – Fr. John Malloy, the pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Nancy Pelosi’s hometown, “Nancy, you are fooling yourself and I fear many good Catholics. You are simply not in sync with the Catholic Church. Until you change your non-Catholic positions, you should stop calling yourself Catholic.”

George H. Kubeck – Loretta Sanchez is a clone of Pelosi and likewise is also a horrendous scandal and fraud.

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