Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hilda Solis: Who are you?

Hilda Solis: Who are you?
The relentless pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, January 4, 2012

P.S. How can any normal Catholic use the Catholic label to run for office with the beliefs and voting records similar to Hilda Solis? How much longer must American Catholics and voters put up with this hogwash? Mr. CINOP, run for office but don’t use the Catholic label. You are fraud and hypocrite when you do so. You are lying to the voters, Catholic and non-Catholics. Hilda Solis, shame on you! Stop prostituting the Catholic label!

You, Hilda Solis, call yourself a Catholic in public office. You are President Barack Obama’s so-called Catholic secretary of labor. In the past you have spoken publicly as follows:

*“When Solis served in the U.S. House in 2003, she voted against the partial-birth abortion ban. The day President Bush signed it; she called for the Supreme Court to reverse it. “I would just like to say it’s the wrong decision that the president is making today,” Solis said, “and we have to stand up and challenge him.”

“On the 31st anniversary of Roe v. Wade in 2004, Solis celebrated three decades of abortion on demand. “I’ll take a pro-choice president, a pro-choice House, “And I look forward to the day again when … And I look forward to the day again when … we can build a majority so that anti-choice legislation won’t even come to the floor.”

“In 2009, when the nation was debating Obama’s health care plan, Solis, now in the cabinet, told the AFL-CIO convention that people who said the plan would fund abortion were lying. “Don’t believe the misinformation and distortions perpetrated by those whose agenda is only to kill reform at any cost, like that we plan to do … use federal dollars to fund abortions,” Solis said. These are lies, as the president said; he is going to call them out.”…

[Hilda Solis showed up with a $4.2 million grant to the Catholic University President John Garvey.]

“Garvey had just published a powerful oped in The Washington Post attacking regulations the Department of Health and Human Services has proposed under Obamacare that would require all private health plans to cover sterilizations and all contraceptives approved by the FDA – including those that cause abortion.

“If we comply, as the law requires, we will be helping our students to do things that we teach them, in our classes and in our sacraments, are sinful – sometimes gravely so,” wrote Garvey. “It seems to us that a proper respect for religious liberty would warrant an exemption for our university and other institutions like it.” The regulation would also force individual lay Catholics – mandated by Obamacare to buy health insurance – to either break the law or act against their consciences…

*Excerpts from Terrence P. Jeffrey titled, “The Question Hilda Solis won’t answer” in the Wanderer, Oct. 13/11

George H. Kubeck – Reminder – we meet tomorrow Thurs. Jan. 5th and Thurs. Jan. 19th from 9-10 AM at McDonald’s on Valley View just below Ball Rd. in Cypress. Also mark your calendar for Thursday, Feb. 2nd & 16th.

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