Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Possible Deadlocked Republican Convention

The Possible Deadlocked Republican Convention
In pursuit of the truth – – Jan. 1, 2012

Background: I first sent 80 dollars to the Bachmann campaign. Then 40 dollars to the Cain campaign. Yesterday, I sent 20 dollars to the Newt campaign. What’s the beef with Romney? You can’t trust him on marriage. As a Republican governor of Massachusetts 2002-2006, he was a RINO and a Mormon- in- name only. He was weak in the promotion of marriage, life and family. Same-sex marriage America is not America anymore. As Governor he was influenced by the Log Cabin Republicans. They are a misguided special interest Gay agenda group who want to change the soul of the Republican Party. The Gay activists have succeeded with the Democratic Party.

Keep the following news items in mind: Orange County Register, Fri. Dec. 30/11 – Opinion Section:

1.Gay Marriage: Deroy Murdock, media fellow with the Hoover Institute, Stanford University-------- -- “As a gay-marriage proponent, I was pleased to learn that then Gov. Willard Mitt Romney, R. Mass., issued at least 189 special-issue, one-day marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2005 alone. These documents let these 378 people enjoy nuptials officiated by relatives, friends and others who normally do not perform weddings. This boost for gay marriage surprised me, given Romney’s numerous contrary pronouncements on the matter. “I agree with 3000 years of recorded history,” Romney announced as Governor. ‘Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman. ‘I oppose same-sex marriage,’ Romney declared at Iowa’s Dec. 15 GOP debate. ‘That’s been my position from the beginning’. ROMNEY’S STATEMENT CONFLICTS WITH HIS GUBERNATORIAL BEHAVIOR.” [Do we not have a Mormon-in-name-only Governor? Isn’t Democratic Senator Harry Reid one?]

2. Nancy Pelosi vs. the Knights of Columbus: – Sunday, Oct. 24/10 This is a horrendous scandal. It took place in the Massachusetts State Legislature in June, 2007. The Knights of Columbus with the help of all Christian denominations [Especially Evangelicals] collected 170,000 signatures to put on the ballot for the marriage amendment. [Marriage is between a man and a woman.] Nancy Pelosi came to town and bribed 16 Knights of Columbus Democratic State legislators with campaign money which came mostly from the Gay Agenda Lobby. [Does that include Log Cabin Republicans?] These 16 K.C. members blocked the marriage amendment measure from being on the ballot in 2008. For Nancy Pelosi this was a great victory; not good for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee for this amendment to be on the Massachusetts ballot in 2008.

3. Columnist Cal Thomas: “[Louisiana Gov.] Bobby Jindall’s electoral and economic successes should serve not only as a model, but also an inspiration to Republican candidates for president and Congress.” Jindall’s first-term record: a.) 26% ($9 billion) – reduced state budget, b.) 45,000 new jobs announced, c.) 4th year more people moving into Louisiana than out, d.) 68.5% - re-elected in October with this percentage of votes. Bobby is the Republican governor in a Democratic registered state.

George H. Kubeck,

P.S. President Barrack Obama is so far out on core American values that you cannot really place him on an American baseball team. I am sorry to share this reality with you. Neither can you permit the double standard two-faced mainstream media decide who will be the Republican candidate for President?

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