Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Baby, Woman, God

A Baby – Mother – God # 1
Wed. Sept. 19, 2007
In Genesis 2:7 we see the creation of Adam. God blew into Adam the breadth of life and he became a living being. And we look at Genesis, Ch. 4.1 and it says that Adam unite with his wife Eve. She conceived and said I have acquired a man from the Lord.

So Adam and Eve were involved in the conception of their first child but so is God. God directly created the human soul which is destined to live for all eternity. And the child is called to become into an intimate relationship with God.

The more we come to worship God, the more we come to know God, the more the Holy Spirit is going to fill us with a tremendous respect and reverence towards every human being.

And we see this gradually happening in the ancient world. Abortion and infanticide was something that was very common in the pagan world and gradually as Christianity began to be like a leaven going throughout the world, infanticide and abortion began to disappear.

Because with the communication of the spirit of Christ and with the transformation of society and the hearts of people within society gradually people become more aware that every human being is supposed to be respected even from the time of being within the mother’s womb.

So gradually we started to have laws developing in Western society influenced by Christianity that no longer permitted abortion and certainly not infanticide.

Now with our Western culture again returning to the practice of abortion, we see that we have lost something of this reverence for God and although we still claim to be in many ways a Christian society at least in this aspect of our society we are a pseudo-Christian society.

There is the appearance of Christianity but the heart is not there, the essence is not there. For to be truly Christian we need to be led to reverence every human being from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

Duplicate and or translate into Spanish

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