Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Honorable Senator Joe Lieberman 2 of 2

My Second Letter to the Honorable Senator Joe Lieberman

Dear Senator, Friday, April 27, 2007
“Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek my soul: Let them be turned backward, and blush for shame that desire evils to me: Psalm 69 3-4

“We think we can find safety and stability by pulling back, by talking to and accommodating our enemies and abandoning our friends and allies…” Yesterday, the Democratic Party did exactly that as the Senate approved the War Spending Bill requiring troop withdrawal from Iraq to begin by Oct. 1st. 70% of the audience that you addressed at the Jewish AIPAC National Policy Conference March 12, 2007 agrees with the above. It is this that drives you up the wall. Why are they blind to the truth? You have a duty to speak out, inform and persuade that this course is a disaster not only for the Democratic Party but for the country. It will be used as a wedge issue to defeat the Democrats in 2008.

“… this wrong-headed thinking about the world is happening because we are in a political climate where, for many people, when George Bush says ‘Yes’ their reflex is to say ‘No.’ That is unacceptable.” Today, the most falsely hated person in America is President Bush. If you were to speak out and explain why we just can’t leave Iraq, you would become the most hated person in America. It would not matter to you. It would be a badge of honor to speak the truth. But you are deathly afraid that this hatred would be also against your family and all of your friends and associates. This hate business is a very serious democratic sickness to keep politicians in line. As an independent Senator, please consider which party should control the Senate?

1. There was a time when we had a bi-partisan foreign policy where in time of war, one political party would not take advantage of the other for political gain. Today, the mindset of the Democratic Party is troubling and heart breaking. Having lost the presidency twice, the Democratic Party wants to win this way. “This war is lost and the surge is in not accomplishing anything.” Senator Harry Reid. The terrorists just love this talk.

2. When it comes to reporting the Iraq War in a patriotic manner, we have the most stupid two-faced media in U.S. history. With this kind of reporting, Hitler would have won WW. II

3. This week on local talk radio KLAC 870, 3-6 P.M. with Hugh Hewitt, I listened to parts of a three hour classic interview of Lawrence Wright who wrote the book Looming Tower. This was about the Al Qaeda International Suicide Terrorist Criminals and their Mein Kamph message. This interview ought to be available in every public library.

4. A coalition of liberal organizations is working in concert with Democratic leaders in Congress in planning hundreds of rallies and dozens of news conferences to protest any Bush veto. I wonder if the regular historic anti-war protesters and the hate America crowd will be their leaders. It is a kind of religion with these masters of deceit and deception.

5. Talk about being blind to the truth. It is noteworthy that the largest voting bloc that voted for withdrawal was the Catholic-in-name-only-Politicians, the (CINOP). They are blind politically as well as religiously. This will be another wedge issue in 2008. These politicians falsely use the Catholic label to win elections. In Canada, they passed the federally same-sex marriage laws in 2005. If the CINOP are reelected they will do the same in the U.S.A. Finally, we pray for conversions in your area and in mine.
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck,, please duplicate, and or translate into Spanish. Communicate with Senator Joe Lieberman -

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