Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Random Thoughts:Religious, Intellectual, Moral Fraud

Random Thoughts: Religious, Intellectual, Moral Fraud
The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Wed. Jan. 3, 2007

Warning: The following is a pro-life tirade. It needs to be suppressed like we do it in the elite media. This writer is unaware that reason, common sense and natural law are obsolete. Today, in our culture we need to get along with one another, be tolerant and not be judgmental. We do this via political correctness (secular thought control) and multiculturalism. (No to Apocalypto)

For example, if you have a so-called Catholic friend, relative or politician who harbors in his mind, thoughts and actions relating to adultery, fornication and pornography, you don’t want this guy around your family or even in government. But do not be judgmental.

The Enron Scandal was a fraud that hurt people financially. Corruption in government is another kind of fraud which undermines the trust we have in elected public officials. There is also media fraud like the New York Times whose perspective and media lenses promote abortion, euthanasia, physician–assisted suicide, human embryonic destruction, human cloning and gay marriage. Regular readers of this media get screwed up not only religiously but also politically.

Take for example the seven decades of so-called anti-war and pro-peace movements. (1940 – 2000) {As a kid of ten years, I recall Pearl Harbor as I watched my elders play cards.} I wish someone would write a book on these Marxist lefties, appeasers of America’s enemies, and haters of traditional America and Religion and anyone who supports that tradition. For Catholics, you toss in liberation theology and you come up with one kind of CINOP. (Catholic in name only politician) The CINOP is promoting a secularist agenda in America. He needs to be thrown out of office and under no circumstance a vote for him. He is a Catholic religious and political fraud.

You love evil more than good; lies more than truth. You love the destructive word, you
tongue of deceit. (1 Corinthians 1:31)

This is a very serious matter of exposing Catholic religious consumer fraud. There are people with a dead conscience. They will attend Mass for political gain. They will have their picture taken of themselves with their baptismal and confirmation certificates. They will receive Holy Communion even though it is sacrilegious for someone in a state of serious sin – such as the public support of abortion – to receive the Eucharist. They do scandal and have no shame.

There was a breadth of fresh air today with the religious funeral of President Gerald Ford. It must have driven the secularist up the wall. So be it. However, there is much more fresh air news from American Life League: ALLNEWS: December, 2006

“Catholic bishops in Colorado united in effort to educate the state’s voters:
“Colorado’s three Catholic bishops issued a statement pointing out the need to reject candidates who support abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human embryonic destruction, human cloning and gay marriage. The Pueblo Chieftain reports the bishops said that candidates who favor or are indifferent to issues described as intrinsically evil do not deserve the Catholic vote.”

It is now up to the informed Catholic laity within their organizations to educate, to step up to the plate, and pass resolutions on the above subject. {You do not have to mention the bishops; it is simple Catholic doctrine} Then forward the resolutions to Catholic organizations within their diocese. Why? Historically, particularly in California and New York, Catholic voters are the most uninformed voting bloc in the country. {Duplicate, and or translate into Spanish}

George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today, Tuesday, Sep. 4, 2007)

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