Saturday, September 8, 2007


Our guest columnist provides his weekly reflection for your use on the Lord's Day.

Each of us is made by God, for God and to be united to Him in this life and the next. But how do we accomplish that holy goal? What steps do we take now to grow in unity and holiness in this life? These are important questions because our growth in holiness in this life prepares us for our glorious life in heaven. In our business lives, we often stress goal setting by the year, month, week, day and hour. Why not use goal setting for a reason far more important than making more money or earning more dollars? Here is a plan of life to help us focus on the really important goal of knowing, loving and serving God in this life so we can be happy with Him in the next.

Review this list, choose your goals, pray for God's help and then sign at the bottom and give a copy to your spiritual director. Review your progress with him at your monthly meeting.



1. Make a one time General confession covering your entire life.

2. Make a yearly General confession covering the period since your last General confession.

3. Renew your plan of Life

4. Review last year’s practice of particular examination of conscience

5. Renew for the coming year your practice of particular examination of conscience


1. Confession – Use “Examination of Conscience” booklet and “Seven Capital Sins” booklet to prepare

2. Read a good book and/or listen to CD’s on a spiritual topic such as the life of a Saint, exposition of an article of faith, devotional topic, etc.

3. Consultation with a Spiritual Director

4. All-night vigil with the Blessed Sacrament


1. Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament

2. Way of the Cross

3. Fasting or some other form of penance

4. Extra Mass and Holy Communion

5. Apostolic work


1. Mass and Holy Communion

2. Recitation of the most Holy Rosary

3. Liturgy of the Hours

4. Half-hour to hour Meditation (before the Blessed Sacrament if possible)

5. Visit to the Blessed Sacrament (if you are unable to do your daily mediation before the Blessed Sacrament)

6. Morning prayers

7. Evening prayers, including daily examen

8. Brief mid-day examen at noon

9. Divine Mercy Hour at 3:00 PM – Pray for God’s mercy on all sinners, particularly those souls that will pass away that day, either by saying Divine Mercy chaplet OR if you cannot leave your daily duties, briefly committing them to Jesus’ Divine Mercy

10. Grace before meals

11. Grace after meals

12. Every time you are conscious of suffering pain, sorrow or desolation pray softly “Jesus and Mary, may I suffer with You for souls”.


1. ANGELUS PRAYER at 9:00 AM, 12:00 noon, 6:00 PM

2. Hail Mary or Glory Be prayer at the start of each hour

3. Short aspirations of your choice throughout day. St. Teresa of Avila is said to have repeated at least 50 times a day: “My God, behold me in Your presence, do with me and all that I have as it pleases You.”


1. Make the intention when you rise each day and retire each night that your every heartbeat is saying: “Jesus and Mary I love you. Glory to the Trinity!”

By living the Plan of Life one puts into practice the words of Jesus, “ It is necessary to pray always without losing heart.” (Lk. 18:1)

Date: _______________

Place: ______________

Signature: ______________________________

Signature of Priest/Spiritual Director: ______________________________

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