Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Wisdom of Bishop Fulton Sheen

The Wisdom of Bishop Fulton Sheen
Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
“If we do not accept the authority of the Church, we must accept the authority of public opinion, and that is what most of those outside the Church accept – the dictates of the day. For the life of me I cannot understand how a man accepts the authority of George Bernard Shaw and refuse to accept the authority of the Son of God.”
Sheen defined Catholic dogma as “the result of the Church’s clear, consistent thinking for over 2000 years.”…
“… In another Lenten sermon that Reformation was needed but it should have been a “reformation of discipline and not of faith.” “We must remember that those who are outside the Church are not there through any fault of their own. They were brought up in prejudice and have accumulated a mass of ignorance. If we believed what they believe about the Catholic Church we would hate it ten times more than they do.” Only the Catholic Church, he concluded, can save a pagan society that “knows no more about Christianity than the man in the moon.” p. 84 (1934)

“From the same pulpit the following year, Sheen defined communism as “capitalism gone mad” and declared that the atheistic state is “always a slave state” because it deprives people of their souls as well as their economic freedom. “Why can’t the modern mind see that there is nothing new in communism? It is a groan of despair, not revolution that starts a new age. It is the logical development of civilization which for the last 400 years has been forgetting about God.” 87-8

“The Church knows that after 1900 years’ experience that any institution which suits the spirit of the age will be a widow in the next one. The Church, therefore, will never please either the reactionary or the liberal. She will please only the relatively few who can understand how a house is built on an immutable rock with an abiding proprietor, Peter, has the key that admits strangers. The reactionaries want the rock without the keys; the liberals want the keys without the rock, and we who believe in Christ, who gave both to Peter, want both.” 93

“One convert, socialist writer Heywood Broun took ninety hours because of his desire to be thoroughly informed…. A month after his conversion, Sheen asked Broun for his reaction, and remembered him mentioning three. ‘The first one was great peace of soul and a feeling of being home at last; the second, a realization that much liberalism was extremely illiberal. Some of his friends, he said, who were loudest in shouting for freedom were also loudest in protesting against him because he acted freely.’ Broun said, “I discovered that freedom for them meant thinking as they did.” A third reaction also involved his former leftist colleagues. “It has dawned upon me that the basis of unity in radicalism is not love, but hate. Many radicals love their cause much less than they hate those who oppose it.” Father Dowling’s general observation had proven true” “As regards to radicalism, I have also discovered that no social philosophy is quite as revolutionary as that of the Church.” 111
The Life and Times of Fulton Sheen, America’s Bishop by Thomas C. Reeves, Encounter Books, San Francisco, 2001

St. Thomas More is the patron of the CINOPS BE GONE site. In your mind get your signs ready. Down with the Catholic-in-name-only religion! Down with the Cinops, leaders of this false religion! Down with the Cinops in 2008! Justice is truth in action.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

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