Friday, September 7, 2007

Report # 6 on David Carlin's Book, Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?

Report # 6 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
Sep. 7, 2007
The following is part 2 of 2, of Chapter 1, The Great Transformation, Part 1, Demise of the Political Machines. P. 15-33
“According to the ideology of moral liberalism, the legal and moral right to abortion was an absolute necessity…. In Jan. 1973, only two months after McGovern’s ignominious defeat, the Supreme Court handed down the famous (or notorious) Roe v. Wade ruling, which declared abortion a constitutionally protected right,…
“Moral liberals were also semi-pacifist…. virtually unanimous opposition to the Vietnam War, a view that had a tendency to expand into opposition to war in general….
Personal freedom is good; hence it’s opposite, coercion or compulsion is bad. The military is a hierarchical system based on compulsion; hence, there’s something intrinsically bad about the military…. During the Cultural Revolution: “Make love, not war”… “Practice sexual freedom, and oppose the military.”… seek cuts in the Pentagon budget, a halt to the development of “Star Wars” missile defense shield, and an end to military recruiting on college and university campuses….
“After the 1972 election,… No matter how much their presence displeased others, the pro-choicers, sexual liberationists, and semi-pacifists had won a place in the party…. Moral liberals, however, didn’t see the civil-rights movement as primarily an egalitarian drive. For them it was principally a movement of liberation…. To this day, … liberals still view the black civil rights movement as liberation movement and therefore as a precedent for sexual liberation, now including same-sex marriage. …
“Martin Luther King was one of the great figures in American history. … concluded that racism is a great sin – un-Christian, un-American, harmful to society, and just plain wrong. Yet despite this moral revolution, the myth persists among affluent moral liberals that racism is still a major problem in America….
“…it allows them to think of themselves morally superior to the great majority of their fellow citizens…. It allows them to have a good conscience about being so much more well-off economically than most of their fellow Americans…. As long as racism, not economic inequality, remains the central issue in American political life, today’s Democratic Party … will be the natural home of affluent liberals.
“If women were to be liberated, according to liberation feminism, they must first of all be liberated in their sexuality. The ideal of premarital virginity must be done away with, as must be the sexual double standard generally…. free to divorce husbands they find unsatisfactory and to find new husbands and lovers. And it was absolutely indispensable that contraception and abortion be readily available….
“A still more complete way of keeping men from controlling the sexual lives of women might be for women to be lesbian or at least bisexual…. But since the rights of lesbians were part and parcel of the rights of homosexuals generally, the feminist fight for lesbian rights became a fight for homosexual rights in general….
“Both (moral/cultural liberal and liberation feminist) subscribe to the two central tenets of moral liberalism: The Personal Liberty Principle, or PLP, which says you’re free to do whatever you want, provided you don’t hurt non-consenting others in a direct, obvious, immediate, and tangible way. The Tolerance Principle, which says you must tolerate the conduct of others, provided they don’t hurt non-consenting others….
“Both cultural liberals and liberation feminists were also secularists: predominantly agnostic or atheistic in personal belief hostile towards organized religion in general and traditional Christianity in particularly and committed to replacing traditional Christian morality with moral liberalism.”
George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE, duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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