Friday, October 14, 2011

Background on Our Lady's Messengers

Background on Our Lady’s Messengers
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, October 14, 2011

Ref. Knights of Columbus magazine “Columbia” Oct. 2011 – p. 14-6

“In the evening before the current Marian Prayer Program was launched, Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura at the Vatican, reflected on the meaning of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s apparitions and message. During his keynote address at the States Dinner, he described the cultural environment during the time or Our Lady’s apparitions from Dec. 9-12, 1531.

“Our Lady appeared on the continent of America at a time when many men were drifting from God and his life-giving law,” explained Cardinal Burke, a member of Bishops [Knights of Columbus] Council 10490 in St. Louis, Mo. “On the one hand, under a long and macabre leadership, the religion of the native Americans, the Aztecs, was increasingly by a diabolical worship which demanded constant and mass human sacrifice.

“On the other hand, the arrival and activity of European explorers in the same territory had developed into a conflict between Spanish and Native Americans, which threatened an increasingly massive destruction of human life and goods. In the context of so much and so great suffering and death, the Mother of God was sent to draw men once again to the one and only source of hope and life in the love and mercy of God the Father, made present in our midst by his incarnate Son.”

“The appearance of the Virgin Mary to humble Indian, a Christian convert named Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, soon changed the face of the continent. Our Lady appeared as a mestiza, or mixed race woman, who was pregnant with the Son of God, Mexico’s first bishop, Friar Juan de Zumarraga, and the native people comprehended the Gospel message contained in the symbol-rich image that was miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma, or cloak. And inspired the message of divine love, some 9 million Native Americans were baptized from the time of the apparitions until the death of Bishop Zumarraga and Juan Diego in 1548.

“At the conclusion of a votive Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Aug. 3 at the 129th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus launched a new Marian Prayer Program. The choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception sang Totus Tuus, a choral work dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as state deputies processed toward the altar carrying large, framed images of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“Hundreds of copies of the image have been distributed and will be used for a two-year prayer program in which local councils will organize special prayer services at churches and other locations. The first year of the program will culminate with the second international Guadalupe Festival, scheduled to take place in Los Angeles in 2012, immediately prior to the 130th Supreme Convention in Anaheim, Calif.”

George H. Kubeck, undoubtedly, prayer is our most powerful weapon. Without it, we cannot win what Blessed Pope John Paul II described as the culture of death agenda in America. Also in the spirit of Venerable Michael McGivney we must resolve the challenge of how to deal with the Catholic-in-name-only politician [CINOP], both members and non-members. SIMPLY: CENSOR THE CINOP: STOP THE FRAUD OF USING THE CATHOLIC LABEL:

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