Monday, October 10, 2011

Teacher Exposes Idiocy at Occupied Wall Street

Teacher Exposes Idiocy at Occupied Wall Street

In pursuit of the truth – – Columbus Day, Monday, October 10, 2011

Ref: 1.The most recent report from Intercollegiate Studies. 2. ABC News Sunday – 8-9 A.M. with Nancy Pelosi, George F. Will etc. - 3. Dennis Prager, KLAC 890 Talk Show Host, - M – F, 9-12 Noon

Recall during the Cold War with Communist Russia, the many Communist front organizations. Most participants were called “useful idiots” for supporting the Commie programs. Then we had national suicide demonstrations for Unilateral Disarmament. Today we have occupied Wall Street demonstrations. For me, Occupied Wall Street demonstrates the collapse of liberal progressive public education particularly in the universities and the lost integrity of investigative journalism in America.

1.As you read this, consider that 16,000,000 will have just started the new college semester. And what will nearly all of these potential leaders of our economy be taught? That capitalism and free market economics have FAILED. – That the American experiment in self-government has FAILED. – That personal responsibility and prosperity are UNJUST. – That America WILL no longer and SHOULD no longer lead the rest of the world.

As a result, America has: - Faced the worst economy since the Great Depression. – Accumulated catastrophic debt that equals more than $500,000 per every household. Forced Standard and Poor’s to downgrade America’s credit rating for the first time in history – Allowed Big Government to move in on your healthcare decisions through ObamaCare.

2.Sound Bites: “Can’t solve our problems with austerity:” “Money Hungry Fascist Banksters:” “America is in distress and very upset about the future:” “Human needs over Corporate needs:” “One earth, one humanity, one loved:” The leftist blogs like Jesse from KOS are trying to create a positive narrative. Hermann Cain, “Don’t blame Wall Street … blame yourself.” Nancy Pelosi, “Support the message to the establishment; change has to happen; concerning the growing mob and occupying Wall Street and pitting Americans against Americans; It’s the American system, class warfare or fair share; enduring American values – fairness.

3.A report from the site identifies as one-third Communists and Socialists; one-third college students; and one-third Hippies: They want to make the national debt null and void and start over again. They don’t know basic economics. They hate money and national sovereignty. They hate America. This will be an education for all America. Watch, however as the corrupt Media twists it into something positive; for they are also products of our educational system.
George H. Kubeck,

P.S. To explain what happened to our public school system during the last 36 years in California, let’s start off with the Rodda Act- SB. 164 signed by Governor Jerry Brown in 1975. His Chief of Staff was Davis. The law legalized liberal industrial type unionism in public education. Over the years it eliminated the influence of independent type teachers like conservatives, republicans and libertarians. I was member of the NEA, CTA and WTA when they were professional teachers. (1963-1968). HELP to rectify all of the above with ballot petitions “Californians Against Special Interests,” 19002 Irvine Blvd. #108, Tustin, CA 92780

P.P.S. CINOP Gov. Jerry Brown has a screwed up mind. He signed SB. 48 and AB. 499.

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