Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Critique of "What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street"

A Critique of “What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street”*
Relentless pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, Oct. 30th, 2011

*Anonymous to: “What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street” posted Sat. Oct. 29th, 2011

Comment # 1: I don’t think all of the protesters can be painted with the same brush. The financial industry-the banks, commodities brokers, and real estate-people helped to destroy our financial system… and no one went to jail…

You should have seen this week’s McLaughlin Group. Buchanan also mentioned how the “Free Trade” Republicans and their multiple Free Trade Agreements helped shift millions of jobs overseas… What you don’t realize is that the heads of the multi-national corporations don’t care about the country. They have no loyalty.

You should expand your readings material to something other than Neo-conservative publications. Obama has made it worse to be sure … However, Bush didn’t believe in regulating capitalism and we are being forced to pay the price.

Response to Comment # 1: You have made some good comments. Will put it into a letter on the blog as soon as possible with other comments. Always open to enlightenment. Recheck my comments. Do you concur or not?

Comment # 2: I’ll have to read it more closely. After listening to Limbaugh and seeing John Stossel on Fox … These guys believe that “Wall Street” has no culpability in what happened. It’s the difference between being a “Rockefeller-blue blood” and a social conservative. I thought you were a social conservative. What about the Pope’s encyclical on greed from a few years back? Again the heads of corporations and the Wall Street brokers who DON’T CARE about “main st.”

Forget about the leftist, pot-smoking kids in the parts for Occupy Wall Street. There are many Americans- many conservatives and independents-who are not happy with UNREGULATED capitalism. Oh, and the issue of jobs: Do you think that the Free Trade Agreements were a wise idea????

Perot said that there would be a “giant sucking sound.” He was referring to jobs leaving the country. Under Bush, we lost 20% of more of our manufacturing base. Is that good???? Under Bush we fought a war in Iraq that has gotten us NOTHING. The oil contracts went to European countries. The country Iraq is sympathetic to Iran…. We lost 4,000 soldiers… Read attachment^and get back with me… The problem with some of your interpretation is that you think that criticizing Bush means that a person is a Leftist… He did major damage to our overall power as a country. What say you?

P.S. ^After 8 years of war in Iraq, there were 4.478 killed and 33,169 wounded-some horribly maimed…Before the war, many … speculated that Republican Neo-conservatives, a cabal P.Wolfowitcz, R. Perle and B. Kristol … provided the “impetus” for Bush to invade Iraq… in order to encourage democracy and provide a more stable region to assist Israel… the results … In Israel’s “back door,” Hamas, a virulent and more dangerous opponent won the election in Gaza in 2006. A Hezbollah (Iranian terrorist group) back party won the election in Lebanon in January…

Is Israel safer as a result of the Neo-con Utopian idealists, who disregarded 60 years of American foreign policy in favor of “democracy for all”-no matter how radical and anti-American their belief systems are? Was it worth it? 1 trillion dollars spent…And now we have no effective political influence and military presence in Iraq… With this war and the lack of oversight and regulation in the Wall St. financial scandal, we would’ve been better with President James Buchanan.

George H .Kubeck, Thanks for all the above comments!

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