Tuesday, October 11, 2011

President Herman Cain

President Herman Cain
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If he wins the Republican primaries, he will be elected President of the United States. He is authentic, has character and charisma. It would be the best thing for America and particularly for millions of Black American families. Free at last from the plantation politics of the leftists.

Here are excerpts of an article written on “National Review Online” by Mona Charen on Herman Cain, September 27, 2011.

“In the Florida straw poll, Cain received a resounding victory with 37.1 percent of the vote – more than twice the percentage of his nearest competitor, Rick Perry, who received 15.4 percent.

“And it wasn’t that Republicans and conservatives were acting upon an affirmative action spirit – trying to prove that they too could pull the lever for a black guy. It’s that Herman Cain delivers a great speech, is willing to propose solutions commensurate with our problem, and possessed of a remarkably sunny personality.

“As the “Washington Examiner’s” Byron York reported, “It’s not an exaggeration to say that his power as an orator sealed the deal for hundreds of delegates. They believed Cain was speaking to them from the heart, and they were carried away by it. And it doesn’t hurt that Cain embodies the Horatio Alger rise to success that liberals dismiss as myth but conservatives still believe.

“Raised in pre-civil rights Georgia by working-class parents (his mother was a maid and his father worked as a janitor, a barber, and a chauffeur), Cain got a degree in mathematics from Morehouse College and then a master’s degree in computer science at Purdue. While in school he worked for the Navy in ballistics.

“Upon leaving the Navy, he entered the heart of corporate America, working first for the Coca-Cola Company, later for Pillsbury, and then Burger King. The division of Burger King he headed went from the least profitable to the most profitable in three years.

“He performed similar magic for Godfather’s Pizza, but in shorter time, turning the company to profitability in a mere 14 months. He served as chairman and later CEO of the National Restaurant Association and as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, before achieving the true pinnacle of human achievement with a syndicated newspaper column.

“Cain’s proposal to reform Social Security along the lines that Chile and 36 other nations have adopted is the sanest entitlement-policy prescription of the campaign thus far – and with Mitt Romney playing it safe and Rick Perry having taken so much for the Ponzi-scheme wording – likely to remain so.

"Cain’s “9-9-9” tax plan is similarly refreshing. Our 11,045-page tax code, barnacled by layer after layer of complexity and special-interest loopholes, is a drag on productivity and national sanity. A government-watchdog agency estimates that Americans spend 6.1 billion hours annually complying with the code. Something like Cain’s plan would cut the Gordian knot…”

George H. Kubeck

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