Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stop the Prostitution - Part 2

Stop the Prostitution - Part 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, October 8, 2011

This is a most serious matter. The committee is about stopping the prostitution of Catholic identity in the public sector by Catholic Label Politicians. The mindset that they can define Catholicism on their own terms with the help of false theologians is wrong. INFORM - EDUCATE ALL PARISHIONERS.

Also the Catholic Label Politicians’ house rules are those set by believers themselves is a false and anathema for it mocks the reception of Holy Communion* and contrary to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Catholic Label Politicians are promoting absolute evils like abortion-on-demand (infanticide), the gay agenda including same-sex marriage, embryonic –stem cell research, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Within their religion, the Mormons, the Evangelicals and Baptists would not put up with this fraud. Why should Catholics in their own religion?

Who are these Catholic Label Politicians in California and throughout the country? When you Google “Catholic in name only Politicians” you will come up with the mug shots of many Catholic Label Politicians at “The O Percenters ‘Bad Catholic politicians’” You tube. It is not completely up to date with Ex-Governor Arnold Swatzennegger, Governor Jerry Brown and Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and many others missing. THE CINOP PROMOTES SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IN CALIFORNIA AND U.S.A.


“The Eucharist is the heart and center or our worshipping life, but in order to be this center it must have a many-layered whole in which to live. Eucharist presupposes Baptism; it presupposes continual recourse to the sacrament of penance. The Holy Father has emphasized this most strongly in his encyclical “Redemptor Homini”.

“The first element of the Good News, he stresses, was “Repent!” “The Christ who invites us to the Eucharistic meal is always the same Christ who exhorts us to penance, continually saying ‘Repent!’ (IV. 20). Where penance disappears, the Eucharist is no longer discerned and, as the Lord’s Eucharist, is destroyed.

“But Eucharist also presupposes marriage and ordination, the social and public structure of the Church. It presupposes personal prayer, family prayer, and the paraliturgical prayer of the parish community. I would just like to mention two of the richest and deepest prayers which are able to draw us again and again into the vast river of Eucharistic prayer: the Station of the Cross and the Rosary.

“One of the reasons why, nowadays, we are so discountenanced by the appeal of Asiatic or apparently Asiatic religious practices is that we have forgotten these forms of prayer. The Rosary does not call for intense conscious efforts which would render it impossible but invites us to enter into the rhythm of quiet, peaceable bringing us peace and giving a name to this quietness: Jesus, the blessed fruit of the womb of Mary.

“Mary who cherished the living word in the recollected quiet of her heart and thus was privileged to become the Mother of the incarnate Word, is the abiding pattern for all genuine worship, the Star which illumes even a dark heaven and shows us the way. May she, the Mother of the Church, intercede for us so that we may be enabled to fulfill more and more the Church’s highest task: the glorification of the living God, from whom comes mankind’s salvation.” Oct. 8th entry in J. Cardinal Ratzinger’s classic, Co-Workers of the Truth. - G. H. Kubeck

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