Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Enemies of Traditional America and the Constitution

The Enemies of Traditional America and the Constitution
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com. – Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011

When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they studied all the past forms of government. They pursued American not European tradition, common sense, reason & natural law. In the past 100 years a strong movement arose in America to transform American constitutional government.*

You can identify them as Progressives, Liberals and, or Leftists. [Talk show host, Dennis Prager explains leftism to you almost daily.] It has also been called the welfare state, bureaucracy and the administrative state. We are now under progressivism via political correctness and a dead journalism.

“Their thought was greatly influenced by the doctrines of relativism and historicism – the denial of objective truth and the doctrine that “values” change over time. This rejection occurred over time. This rejection occurred in both the political right and the political left.” [Ordinary Americans and normal legalized U.S. citizens believe that all of this hog wash. Think of S.B. 48 and repealing DOMA.]

“Woodrow Wilson openly criticized the Declaration of Independence as outdated bunkum, complaining that “some citizens of this country have never got beyond this document signed in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.” [The characteristics of Progressivism are its smugness, attitude of superiority, [the elite or lord] and knowing and telling what is best for ordinary folks.]

“Liberal Richard Rory … dismissed the Declaration’s natural law arguments as a “language game” that is no more true than another “language” that would promote slavery over freedom.

Modern Liberalism redefines equality and rights: Historian Richard Hofstadter, “No man who is as well abreast of modern science as the Fathers were of eighteenth-century science believes any longer in unchanging nature.”

John Dewey: Men are born as empty vessels, as nothing in themselves. The individual becomes a product of an historical context: “Social arrangements, laws, institutions … are means of creating individuals … all the things the Founders said human were born with – must be produced by the social order.” [Also, we are going to do away with the Ten Commandments and via S.B. 48 for change in order to accept homosexuality as normal.]

“The denial of human nature leads from an understanding of equality in terms of natural rights to an understanding of equality as something to be produced by government through unequal treatment. President Lyndon Johnson in 1965: “We seek … not just equality as a right and a theory as a fact and equality as a result.”

“In essence, “rights” have come to mean that people who are not as hardworking, as talented, as responsible, or as fortunate have rightful claims on the money and resources of others. For the Founding Fathers rights adhere to the individual. Liberal of view of rights is now assigned to group membership (minorities, women, farmers, etc.) and existing not prior to government but as government gifts. [Think of the Wall Street demonstrators.]

George H. Kubeck. *Thanks to the Claremont Institute, www.claremont.org “The Rise and Fall of Constitutional
Government in America.” (909) -621-6825 - Our corrupt educational system promotes the agenda of the leftists.

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