Monday, October 24, 2011

An Insightful Analysis of U.S. Catholic Bishops - Part 2 of 2

An Insightful Analysis of U.S. Catholic Bishops - Part 2 of 2

Relentless pursuit of the truth – – Monday, October 24, 2011

The following is Part 2 of 2 excerpts from the Mindszenty Report - October 2011 titled, An American Crucible, Barrack Obama and America’s Two Great Debates. [W. A. Borst – ]

“The Tipping Point: Obama’s liberal fiscal policies of punitive taxation, profligate spending and erosion of cultural mores with regard to sex, marriage, drug use, illegal immigration, and health care have already exacted a high toll on American culture. These policies have mired the country in the throes of an optical illusion that has distorted the American reality. They have created an unrecognizable America that has turned its back on freedom and responsibility.

“During his three years in office, President Obama’s feckless leadership and his belligerent attitude toward the eternal values that once reigned in the United States, has accelerated this process. Americans are waking up to the fact that this solipsistic president wants America to be more like Europe. Most Americans flatly reject the ideas of European Social Democracy. They refuse to follow (Europe) down the same tumultuous path become more like France or even worse, Sweden.

“America has reached its tipping point. The gravity of the financial situation has created a new American crucible, making it clear that the 2012 election will be the greatest test America has seen since 1787. The 1st Great Debate, which took place approximately 112 years, deliberated over what kind of country America would be – a strong nation with big government, or a modest country with a small government.

“In the ensuing 112 years America has seen its power, its future and its reputation slowly diminished by both internal influences and philosophical thinking that runs counter to its original vision. American politicians have squandered the values and the constitutional principles that characterized American exceptionalism. The 2nd Great Debate now underscores the unenviable choice between the forces of entitlement and fiscal unsustainability and a dedication to reasonable and responsible government.

“If President Obama is re-elected, even with a Republican Congress, his cavalier use of extra-constitutional instruments, such as executive orders; the creation of dozens of personal Czars and the use of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to legislate the ominous Cap and Trade bill will make it imperative that he become a one-term president. If he wins somehow, America will more like sink to the ocean floor with the other failed hegemons of his history such as Greece, imperial Rome and Great Britain.”

George H. Kubeck

The views of Cardinal Francis George, Archbishops Timothy Dolan and Charles Chaput will prevail within the USCCB and the Catechism of the Catholic Church will win. The enemies of the Catechism are lefties: “Call to Action” agenda: ordination of women: promote gay and lesbian agenda: priests option to marry and accept back into the fold divorce Catholics who have remarried: “Catholic Democrats” and “Catholics for Choice” and The National Catholic Reporter promoting heresy?: Angry waste of time theological debate on accepting homosexuality with same-sex marriage: “The ecclesiastical authorities in North America appear unwilling or unable to use the canonical tools available to them.”CMW

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