Sunday, October 19, 2008


cinops be gone – Sunday, October 19, 2008 P.M.

If it’s not secular mind control like Hate Crime Legislation, it is something else. Thank you Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, 800-225-4008, – mail 801 G Street, NW, Washington, D.C. fax 202-393-2134.

From the June 2008 V. 20, No. 8 The Last Word, your article as follows:
As we note in our lead article, ENDA is one of the most threatening pieces of pro-homosexual legislation ever introduced on Capitol Hill. But the most disturbing aspect of the bill is not in its language.

It’s in a widely held notion that somehow this blatantly unconstitutional assault on the family and religious freedom will not actually do what it clearly promises it will do.

ENDA grants workplace protections that would enable homosexuals to bring down the full fury of the federal government on a supervisor, a colleague, or an entire company – essentially anyone who offends them for any reason at work.

It can’t happen, people tell me. It already is happening, I tell them.

In New Mexico, as we reported, the state Human Rights Commission punished a Christian photographer for declining to take pictures of a lesbian’s “commitment ceremony.” This Washington Watch mentions two other recent cases, but there are more:

In California, a state employee had to remove a “Marriage: One Man and One Woman” sticker because it violated his agency’s sexual harassment policy.

In Texas, a bank fired an employee who simply asked why the bank extended special workplace protections to homosexual colleagues.

In New York, a company fired an employee for refusing to participate in the company-sponsored “Coming Out Day” diversity celebration.

States and corporations already are granting homosexuals special rights – by stripping Christians of theirs. ENDA is already happening. Even so, the damage is still limited – FRC is fighting to keep it that way.

But imagine the nightmare when the full-scale federal government is unleached on America.

Homosexuals will have the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other agencies flexing their enforcement muscles – muscles your tax dollars pay for, by the way behind them. All they have to do is complain.

In one swipe the radical homosexual agenda will become the law of the land.
Churches, religious schools, and other institutions will be forced to hire people who openly defy their core beliefs … or else.

Faith-base organizations will be forced to hire people whose behavior offends them … or else. (How long with it activists to target FRC and try to silence your voice that has been heard on Capitol Hill for 25 years.)

Every Christian in every office, factory, and store – YOU - will be forced to support behavior that is an affront to God … or else.

There are few threats to religious freedom more dangerous than ENDA, and the influential homosexual activists who helped liberals gain their congressional majorities are demanding action now. … VOTE PRO-LIFE!

George H. Kubeck, Please talk about it and e-mail to all friends and relatives.

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