Tuesday, October 21, 2008

VIP Memo to General Colin Powell

Stanton, California
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 A.M.
Dear Honorable General Colin Powell,

1.) In today’s website, Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008, THE Drudge Report, the headline reads: Colin Powell backs Barack Obama for president. “It’s not about race,” Powell said, “I would have difficulty with two more Republican appointments to the Supreme Court.” What’s so frightening about pro-life to the Black elite in America?
I sincerely believe that they must be totally blind to the suicide and genocide of Black Americans since 1973. Of the 50 million abortions, 17 million of those are Black Americans. What’s so terrible about my pro-life sign which reads: LIFE: THE FIRST INALIENABLE RIGHT?
All across the country today, until Nov. 2nd we have 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign vigils at the abortion sites including PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
Of all the minorities, abortion has devastated Black families the most.


If Joe the plumber got his question answered on the economy with Barack’s judgment, SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND, Well George, the retired public school teacher has this question for OBAMA? IF ABORTION IS ABOVE YOUR PAY GRADE, WHOSE ADVICE ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE IN DECISION-MAKING IN THE WHITE HOUSE?

YOU ALREADY MADE YOUR DECISION ON ABORTION WITH THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT? Cardinal Rigali said abortion becomes a national entitlement. YOU PROMISED NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA, PLANNED PARENTHOOD AND EMILY’S LIST that it would be the first piece of legislation you would sign.

Are those the kind of advisors you will have in other decision-making? For heaven’s sake that is an evil decision for all Americans. You are going to set up a bubble at the abortion mills so counselors can’t talk to the ladies on the way in. You were a constitutional professor and know darn well that The Freedom of Choice Act legislation is unconstitutional. If counselors were not there since 1973, more than one-half of today’s living Black America would be dead by abortion.

3.) General, I don’t believe that there is anything in your religious faith that supports The Freedom of Choice Act. Do you not understand that the one major reason why most Americans will not vote for Obama is because ABORTION kills all Americans indiscriminately but Black Americans specifically?
Finally, we are in a culture war between traditional America and secular America. Marriage and family are the foundation pillars of any nation. Obama has come out against Proposition 8 in California. {Marriage is between a man and woman.} Also, Obama opposes the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by President Clinton. I believe in your heart that you are for traditional America.
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck

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