Friday, October 10, 2008

A Most Powerful Message

A Most Powerful Message
cinops be gone Friday, October 10, 2008

It’s a breadth of fresh air. Just listen to Bishop Thomas Olmstead of Phoenix. In his booklet, second edition of “Catholics in the Public Square” warns that the infamous, “I am a Catholic but …” ‘syndrome’ cannot interfere with the integrity of the life lived according to faith. ( –Thurs. Oct. 9/08)

“If one’s faith does not impact on one’s whole life, including one’s political and social responsibilities” writes the bishop, “then it is not authentic faith, it is a sham a counterfeit.”
“If a politician is actively supporting and furthering the culture of death, he is not only causing scandal he is sinning,” writes the bishop.

In an interview with Zenith about the booklet, Bishop Olmstead answered the question, “Why is the Catholic voice struggling to make itself heard in the public square?”
He answered, “With the influence of modernity and Enlightenment philosophies, many voices in secular society contend that religion is pure subjectivism and has a role only in people private lives.”

“If we let our faith impact on the way we practice a profession, engage the culture, or become involved in political struggles,” said Olmstead, “then we are accused of imposing our faith on others … These contentions are often based on a false understandings of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which in fact protects the practice of religion from coercion by the state, rather than limiting the religious voice.”

“When Catholics are afraid to express their beliefs in public, they begin to travel down the path that divides faith from life. Faith begins to be purely spiritual, with no impact on other dimensions of their lives. Then it becomes impossible to live a life of integrity…”
“Notice how often Jesus tells his followers: ‘Be not afraid,” said the bishop. “It takes both courage and wisdom to engage our culture and be involved in the public square. We are called to exercise both faith and reason, being careful to inform our conscience on the basis of objective truth.”

P.S. The secular religion is one of many religions within our society. It is unconstitutional for the U.S. government to promote a national state religion. And that is what is happening in America? The secular religion is being promoted.

As a member of the Catholic laity, I intend to contact Loretta Sanchez, Lou Correa and Jose Solaria. They are politicians using the Catholic label to get elected. As authentic Catholics I expect them to call a news conference and declare that they are for Proposition 8 – that marriage is between a man and a woman. They realize that their California Democratic Party is for same-sex marriage. Have they got the guts to stand up for marriage? Please telephone also!

Also, there are at least two documents that give the Catholic laity a duty to speak out in the public arena and we must. Firstly, the DECREE ON THE APOSTOLATE OF LAY PEOPLE: Vatican II, Apostolicam Actuositatem. 18 November, 1965, and secondly, FAITHFUL CATHOLIC CITIZENSHIP based on Pope John Paul II’s “Evangelium Vitae”, the Gospel of Life.
George H. Kubeck, Please e-mail to friends.

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