Monday, April 27, 2009

America's Holy Bible

America’s Holy Bible
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone. – Monday, April 27, 2009

You will recognize the author of this letter. It was composed more than a dozen years ago. It is appropriate for this week with the first hundred days of President Obama’s Administration and the controversy with the Notre Dame Scandal.

In today’s America, prayer and the love of our country, patriotism, are two of our most powerful weapons. Let us gather together with the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7th, Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th and Flag Day, Sunday June 14th.

“Medical doctors are scientists, but psychologists and psychiatrists deal primarily, from subjective and not objective research. An enormous power in this country for the past 100 years has come from psychiatrists and psychologists who do not believe in God … do not believe in the Bible.

“They have been behind the movement to create secular humanism in an effort to replace the emotional strength that traditionally has come through faith in God. But secular humanism has failed, and it is time we admit it….

“Now take a quick leap with me. It’s 1989, and I’m invited by Gorbachev to Moscow, and they listen to my request to be the first preacher to preach about God on atheist television. At the close of a three hour meeting, Valentin Lazutkin, the head of communications in Russia, stood up and said,

“Dr. Schuller, we are atheists. This is an atheist television network. We use it to try to cure people of their superstitions. How can we ask you to preach a sermon about God?” He took a deep drag from his cigarette, blew it out, and said, “I don’t believe in God, but after 70 years of official atheism indoctrinated in the most scientific way we see that something is missing in human beings that only seems to come through religion. We will let you have the honor of being the first preacher in history to preach a sermon about God in Russia on Channel One.”

“And that happened on December 25, 1989. Atheism has failed. Secular humanism has failed! Where can we go? We go back to the Holy Bible. This Book is the tap root of my emotional support system....

“The philosophy and psychology that comes from secular humanism cannot feed us. It cannot sustain us. We find strength and power in the Holy Bible because it connects us with our Creator who created us to be spiritual beings on a human journey. “God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power.”

“Yes, I keep reading the journals…. But I get my emotional power from the HOLY BIBLE. It is the most encouraging book I can find. Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth.” This Book takes simple human beings, and empowers them to try to do the impossible. That’s the spirit from this Book. It doesn’t flatter you or me when you read it; we know it’s telling the truth! It says, we are sinners, but it says,

George H. Kubeck- *Dr. R.H.Schuller, The Holy Bible, “Let God Give You Emotional Power,” 1996

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