Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This Normal Fear of Same-Sex Marriage

This Normal Fear of Same-Sex Marriage
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The California Supreme Court will be coming down with a decision on the legality of Proposition 8; that marriage is between a man and woman. Anything is possible because our judicial activist judges have already set aside the Natural Law on abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, and embryonic stem-cell research.

I believe legalized same-sex marriage will turn America upside down; and it must never happen. Today, we are fighting another 1960’s type cultural revolution.

The excerpts from the book, “Why Defend Marriage between a Man and a Woman?” by Mathew D. Staver, Esq. ( will enlighten us.

End of Marriage as we know it:

Paula Ettelbrick, the former legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (a pro-homosexual public interest law firm), has commented,

“Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking with a person of the gender, and seeking state approval for doing so…Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family, and in the process transforming the very fabric of society.”

Homosexual activist and writer Michelangelo Signorile declares a similar intention: “It is a chance to wholly transform the definition of family in American culture. It is the final tool with which to dismantle all sodomy statutes, get education about homosexuality and Aids into public schools, and, in short, usher in a sea of change…”

And Tom Stoddard, another same-sex proposition, notes that “enlarging the concept {of marriage} to embrace same-sex couples would necessarily transform it into something new.”

If society were to sanction same-sex marriage, a high percentage of children and adults would be adversely affected emotionally and physically. Hurting people hurt people. No wonder marriage between one man and one woman is a public good, rather than merely an individual private relationship.

How Will Same-Sex Marriage Hurt MY Marriage:

The love between my wife and me is secure, and same-sex marriage will not disturb our relationship. However, same-sex marriage will cataclysmically disturb the culture, will hurt people, and in particular, children. Again, while marriage has a private aspect, it is a public institution that impacts the entire society. We cannot isolate marriage inside the four walls of a home. Our attitude and public policies toward marriage will affect the culture, and in my opinion, same-sex marriage will damage the culture.

Do you want your children or grandchildren to open up the pages of the Washington Post or you local newspaper, turn to the kids’ section, and read an article entitled “Defining Marriage,” which tells them how normal it is for two people of the same-sex to be married? That is what the Washington Post did in an article …. just for kids.

Or, do you want your child to come home and tell you that at school, the teacher read to the class a story from the book The King and the King? The book talks about a prince who was in love with a citizen of the kingdom, but there was a problem – the citizen was of the same-sex as the prince. The law barred same-sex marriage, so when the prince became the king, he legalized same-sex marriage and married the citizen, and the two were joined as kings. This incident occurred in an elementary school in Wilmington, North Carolina. Legalizing same-sex marriage would make these events common every-day….
George H. Kubeck

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