Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Phyllis Schlafly on President Obama

Phyllis Schlafly on President Obama
In pursuit of the Truth – Feast of St. Catherine of Siena – Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preface: It is providential that the first 100 days of the Obama administration falls on this Feast of St. Catherine of Siena who is the patron of the Dominican Laity. This Saint persevered in doing God’s will. She is a Doctor of the Church.
Phyllis and her sister Eleanor Schlafly are two outstanding Catholic women in America. Phyllis is a gifted leader of the Pro-Family Movement since 1972. And I have subscribed to Eleanor’s monthly Mindszenty Report for more than 40 years. Americans can learn from Cardinal Mindszenty’s experience with the Hungarian communists during the Iron Curtain that hung over Eastern Europe from the 1945 to the 1980s.

Phyllis’s March letter to Eagle supporters is very enlightening and suitable for today:

“I am amazed and encouraged at the orders Eagle Forum has been receiving for my February Phyllis Schlafly Report called “How a Community Organizer Became President” and my January Report called “Social Justice: Code Word for Anti-Americanism.”… This means grassroots Americans are waking up to the “change” Barack Obama promised ….

“I guess the American people didn’t grasp the significance of Obama’s campaign promise to begin “remaking America” (his Inaugural words) into a land of total government control over our money, our banks, our jobs, our health care, our schools, our law, and our courts, and saddle us with a mountain of debt that our children and grandchildren can never dig their way out of.

“It isn’t any accident that Barack Obama was elected President. He had been planning for that for many years while he learned the community organizing tactics taught by the Chicago radical, Saul Alinsky. - For New World Order, access

“But that’s not all. Obama hired the best technicians to combine community organization and demonstrations with the best 21st-century technology. This enabled the Obama political organization to communicate directly with millions of people to pressure Congress to pass the big-spending bills that will “spread the wealth”…. spread the poverty.

“Obama built his reputation as a great orator. Now we discover that he can’t give a speech without a pre-written script in front of him! Obama can’t give a speech without a teleprompter, a modern device which rolls the script on two screens, one on the right and one on the left of the speaker. The teleprompter enables the speaker to look to the right and the left side of the audience, back and forth, and pretend he is speaking extemporaneously.

“The pro-Obama media have been trying to conceal from TV audiences the fact that Obama is reading all his speeches, even small ones given before small groups, but there are two difficulties: (1) OBAMA MUST TURN FROM SIDE TO SIDE AND NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH HIS AUDIENCE, AND (2) IT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF OBAMA WITHOUT SHOWING AT LEAST A PART OF THE TELEPROMTER SCREEN.

“PRESIDENT OBAMA DOESN’T GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT HIS TELEPROMPTER. He depends on it for every speech, even a six-minute tribute to Abe Lincoln and simple introductions of his own Cabinet officials. He is the first President to be completely dependent on the teleprompter. Obama’s total dependence on a pre-written speech posted on the teleprompter makes us wonder who is writing his speeches* …

“If we want to keep America the land of the free, we must act now, alert fellow citizens, and organize politically to recapture Congress in the elections of 2010.”

George H. Kubeck OPL, *Yes, we have a “Troika,” Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod & the Teleprompter.

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