Monday, April 6, 2009

The Notre Dame Knights of Columbus 1447

The Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 1447

In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, April 6, 2009

The Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 1447 have officially joined the Notre Dame Response efforts, and have issued a statement expressing their concern with the University’s decision: (via action:

We, the Knights of Notre Dame Council 1477, wish to express our sadness and disappointment concerning the invitation to President Barack Obama to be this year’s principal commencement speaker and the recipient of an honorary doctorate of laws from the University of Notre Dame du Lac.

The Knights of Columbus is not a political organization; rather, our disappointment stems from our identity as a markedly Catholic, and thus pro-life, organization residing on a Catholic campus. President Obama has taken a decisive legal action against the fundamental right to life of the most vulnerable members of our society. There, we disagree with the decision to present President Obama with an honorary degree from the University of Notre Dame.

We hold the office of the President in the highest regard; in addition we applaud the work that the President Obama has done to promote social justice and racial equality.

These are important teaching of the Catholic Church and goals of the Knights of Columbus. However, we disagree with the President on this non-negotiable and fundamental point of morality: the respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Therefore, as a Catholic organization, we naturally look to our Holy Father and the bishops for guidance when facing controversial moral decisions. Pope Benedict XVI, then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, together with Pope John Paul II the Great, clearly stated the church’s position in the 2002 Doctrinal Note entitled “The Participation of the Catholics In political Life.”

In recent years, there have been cases within some organizations founded on Catholic principles, in which support as been given to political forces or movements with positions contrary to the moral and social teaching of the Church on fundamental ethical questions. Such activities, in contradiction to basic principles of Christian conscience, are not compatible with membership in organizations or associations which define themselves as Catholic.

The conferral of an honorary degree implies support of President Obama’s interpretation and implementation of the law. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2004 statement, “The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.” Therefore, we encourage the University of Notre Dame to remain faithful to our Holy Father, the bishops, and the University’s mission as a Catholic institution.

Finally, this invitation to President Obama is particularly saddening because it has caused division amongst the graduating seniors as well as the entire Notre Dame family. We must not lose sight of the purpose of commencement as a time of unity and a celebration of the hard work of the graduating class. We should honor the seniors, who have achieved so much, and controversy should not tarnish their commencement day.

Over the next several weeks, we shall, in accord with the Holy Father’s 2002 Doctrinal Note, fulfill the “right and duty of Catholics and all citizens to seek the truth with sincerity and to promote and defend, by legitimate means, moral truths concerning society, justice, freedom, respect for human life and the other rights of the person.” We respectfully voice our opposition to this decision, reaffirm our support of statements from our Holy Father and the bishops, and continually pray for an increased respect for the lives of the unborn. We call upon our Brother Knights and all the faithful around the world to pray for an increased respect for all life and for greater fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Dutifully, Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 1477

George H. Kubeck, Cypress Knights of Columbus Council 8599

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