Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Defense of Marriage and Civilization

The Defense of Marriage and Civilization
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2012

What is fascinating about the following article is that it was first published on October 28, 2004.*

“Marriage is indispensable foundation and building block of our culture. We are in midst of a hideous culture war. Traditional marriage and family are under siege. The defense of marriage is on the front line of the war to defend civilization…

“Chaste long-term commitment to one partner is the norm in traditional marriage, but it is the exception in the gay community. It is politically incorrect to say this but it is true and something that must be understood in this debate. When gays say marriage they do not necessarily mean the same thing that the rest of us mean by it. In traditional marriage, adultery is intolerable and almost unforgivable. Many gay couples regard their union as an “open relationship.” It is like a home base from which they can branch out into other sexual liaisons.

“Furthermore, not all gays are interested in quietly minding their own business. We are living in an a time of gay activism when gays are proselytizing for the gay lifestyle and gay values. If these “values” seep throughout society, it will destabilizing effect on marriage and the family it is not paranoid to worry about the present and normalize gay values. They have made incredible progress in persuading many that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle.

“Homosexuality involves sexual confusion, a disordering of the gender roles, and encouragement of sexual perversion and sexual promiscuity. It confuses what it means to be a man or woman and simultaneously throws up a wall which prevents a healthy rapprochement of the two. And this, my friend is a threat to civilization as we have known it. You think not? Let me give you an example of a society in which civilization unraveled…

“In the case of Sparta, the elite special forces consisted of units of all gay super warriors. Sparta deconstructed marriage. The men lived together in barracks, and the state chose the wives for them. Men visited their “wives” for procreation in the darkness and then returned to the barracks. Some did not know what their wives looked like. Sons were separated from mothers as early as possible to get the boys away from feminine influence and begin their military training. Spartan men lived for war and male comradeship . Homosexuality and pederasty were rife. Spartan culture and extreme Nazism have much in common…

Marriage the protector and civilizer:

“One of the divine designs of marriage is to domesticate and humanize the male so that he will become the provider, protector, teacher, and leader of his family. He protects his women and children from the rage of uncivilized men. Marriage holds man and woman together in union so that neither the masculine aggressive impulse, nor the sensitive indecision of feminine, goes unchecked. Children view a dynamic balance of the two held together in creative tension by the mystery of love.

“Children are given bold challenges by a father and protective coddling and nesting by a mother. A boy has a model of a man and a girl has a model of a woman. Both have a model of love and marriage…

“Children growing up in a home with parents in a traditional marriage are being prepared for civilized life. They have the right mix of masculine determination and girt and feminine tact and sociability to work themselves into that role they will play in the adult world. And they are prepared to meet that mate of the opposite gender who will help them become complete as a human being : a completed man with a wife and a completed woman with a husband.”

George H. Kubeck - Read the whole article. It will shock you. Marriage is a key issue in this election. *The author is Fred Hutchison, July 19/12, http://www.renewamerica.com/analysis/hutchison/120719

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