Friday, August 24, 2012

The Communist Manifesto & the Destruction of America

The Communist Manifesto &  the Destruction of America
Another in-depth analysis of the country we live in by the Mindszenty Report, June - 2012*

“Russian author Igor Shafarevich reduced the Communist Manifesto’s 10 planks to three specific targets, which were private property, the Christian religion and the family…

“Marx regarded communism as the highest form of atheism because it affirms man through the denial of God… He believed that the family structure was inherently exploitative with capitalists treating wives and children as property…

“Marriage and inheritance needed to be eliminated because it perpetuates the family. Free love should be the only form of relationship allowed. The sexual revolution is basically a Marxist attempt to destroy marital fidelity and ensure the destruction of the family.

“The care and upbringing of children, including what they eat and drink, were social matters for the government. Michelle Obama seems to have adopted this tenet …

“Marxist philosophy has infiltrated and transformed most areas of American politics and culture… Marx scorned the capitalistic system which he labeled the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. He condemned the wealthy class s selfish miscreants who are interested solely in their own benefit…

“Their Manifesto argued that history invariably leads to social revolution and a classless society… Communists knew that the ruling classes would never willingly give up their control of society to a socialist government and that revolution would be necessary… They believed that the common laborer could never have political equality or freedom without economic equality…

“The present debate over Obamacare is much more that an attack on religious liberty. It strikes at the heart of economic liberty and is anther example of a Leviathan government attempting to follow in the footsteps of their Marxist progenitors in confiscating over 16% of the U.S. economy in one giant sweep…

“The 16th Amendment was scrumptiously passed in 1913. It established the progressive income tax, with its disproportionate taxation of higher incomes. In the name of fairness and equality, it disguised its Marxist agenda of redistributing the income of the producers while creating an underclass of entitled dependents. … It also promotes class envy, which fails to recognize the middle class from accumulating wealth… The inheritance tax denies future generations of their family legacies. This is unfair to the families, who have worked &saved their entire lives, only to have big government deprive their children of their future.

“Dewey System: On Dec. 5, 1928 The New Republic published an article by socialist John Dewey, the revered father of progressive education, in which he revealed this Marxist education agenda. Dewey boasted of the marvelous development of progressive educational ideas and practices under the fostering care of the Bolshevist government… To Dewey the greatest task of the public school was to counteract and transform those domestic and neighborhood tendencies, which he identified as the influence of home and Church… Like Marx, Dewey hated the autonomous family and believed that it was the prime obstacle to the creation of the ideal of communal life… By design the public schools have effectively replaced standard ethics and traditional morality with a Nietzschean Tran actualization of personal values, where students are encouraged to create their own values and morals… The Tea Party Movement is just the tip of the reactionary iceberg opposing Obama’s Marxist onslaught. The Christian faith is still the dominant religion in America…

George H. Kubeck. *Writer Bill A. Borst did it again! In pursuit of the truth, cinops be gone 8/24/12

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