Monday, August 6, 2012

Presidential Elections: Notices and Tough Love

Presidential Elections: Notices and Tough Love

Please post weekly or monthly a few of the following important and poignant notices in any social, civic or religious bulletin until November 6th, 2012.

1. Are you registered to vote? It is a civic and religious duty! (About one-half of Christians are not registered.)

2. Racism and Genocide: “1,000 Black Americans are destroyed each day in America through Abortion.”

3. The Two-Faced-Double-Standard News Media is a Joke. Don’t listen to Dirty Jokes and Lies!

4. An ounce of prevention and education is worth a pound of cure. The CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only-politician) voted for partial-birth abortion (a.k.a. infanticide) and supports same-sex marriage. Can anyone explain why the CINOP remains a Sacred Cow within the Catholic community? (Think of Nancy Pelosi, Governor Jerry Brown, New York Governor Cuomo, the son of the despicable catholic abortion acceptor Mario Cuomo.) I apologize to non-Catholic Christians.

5. The past American bishops’ sex scandals have distorted the religious and political judgment of the American Catholic Church. This is one of Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s great challenges and also for the laity.

6. The Jesuits swear an oath of loyalty to the Pope. Overall, why have the Jesuits in America not supported Pope Benedict XVI? (I am a Jesuit college graduate.)

7. Marriage is foundational to the American Way of Life. The marriage vote in North Carolina was 61% to 39% that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman only. The vote among Black Americans was 2 to l, that’s 66% to 33%

8. What is the political message from the Chicken-Fil-A controversy for all opponents of Obama’s Democratic Party and his CINOP allies? MARRIAGE IS A KEY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ISSUE FOR ALL AMERICANS, PARTICULARLY PRO-LIFE AND FAMILY ADVOCATES.

9. Publicly post the American flag from your home daily and any other patriotic symbol. It makes the American leftists uncomfortable.

George H. Kubeck - In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Aug. 6th, 2012 - The Guadalupe Celebration yesterday Sunday, August 5, 2012 at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum was a great success. The Year of Faith begins in October. This nation needs all the prayers in the world.

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