Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder

Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012

Thank you J. Christian Adams of David Horowitz Freedom Center,
Copyright 2012 - $3.00 - - all direct excerpts:

Preface: Americans have come to view Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. as a symbol of radicalism and dishonesty of the Obama administration… Simply put, Eric Holder is a threat to American liberty and security…

Charles Krauthammer, for example, called him “one of the most incompetent attorneys general in U. S. history.”… An early warning of Holder’s social radicalism could be seen in a 1955 speech, preserved on C-SPAN, where he advocated “brainwashing” (his word) Americans to make them oppose possession of guns… As attorney general, Holder has been the battering ram for the “fundamental transformation of America” that Barack Obama has been promising since he was inaugurated… Impeachment isn’t something to be lightly pursued…

Reason One: The primary reason that Eric Holder should be impeached is that he has been untruthful under oath many times before multiple committees of Congress…

Reason Two: Beyond not telling the truth about the details of Fast and Furious in congressional testimony, Holder played a role in overseeing a program that itself is a cause for impeachment. Whistleblowers have said that Fast and Furious allowed guns to be purchased in the U.S. by straw buyers and then “walked” across the Mexican border without any means of tracing the weapons…

Reason Three: “Dismissal of he New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case”
On the day that President Obama was elected in 2008, armed New Black Panthers stationed themselves outside a polling place in Philadelphia shouting racial slurs and attempting to block legal access to the polls. The New Black Panthers are not the same as the old Black Panther Party of Newton’s day. The modern Panthers are worse: virulently anti-Semitic, rabidly anti-white and quasi-Islamist in worldview…

Reason Four: “Corrupted Voter Rolls”
Holder’s corruption of the American electoral system goes well beyond one precinct in Philadelphia and the racial intimidation he allowed a pair of armed Black Panthers to engage in. This corruption extends to the very concept of clean elections. Another reason to impeach Eric Holder is that during his time as attorney general, the Justice Department has provided cover for an attack on the basic integrity of our voting rolls…

Reason Five: “Eric Holder and the “al-Qaeda Bar”
Eric Holder has staffed the Justice Department from top to bottom with lawyers who are said to be members of the “al-Qaeda bar.” This is the name that some Justice employees have given to leftist activist attorneys who went out their way to Islamic terrorists especially during Bush era…

Reason Six: “Radicalization of Career DOJ Attorney Ranks”
The backdrop to the hiring of these members of the al-Qaeda bar is Holder’s more general campaign to fill the attorney career ranks at the Justice Department with committed leftist radicals, in violation of civil service laws.
I reviewed the resumes of 113 lawyers hired into DOJ Civil Rights Division from the inauguration of Barack Obama through June 2011. The results were astonishing. Every lawyer hired during this time was either an obvious and committed leftist or a Democratic Party operative.

Reason Seven: “Open-Border Radicalism”
Eric Holder has deliberately leveraged the power of the Justice Department to prevent states from dealing with the flood of illegal immigration threatening to overwhelm them. Whenever a state such as Arizona, Alabama or South Carolina has passed a law to try to deal with illegal immigration, Holder has immediately moved against it…

Reason Eight: “Battle Miranda Warnings and Detainee Policy” Reason Nine: “Holder’s Attack on Religious Liberty” Reason Ten: “Ignoring Supreme Court Precedent and the Constitution”

George H. Kubeck - Do we want this type of Chicago politics on the national level? Vote his boss out! See the movie all about Obama’s life in local theatres.

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