Sunday, August 12, 2012

President Obama vs. The Catholic Church

President Obama vs. The Catholic Church
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012

This is an “Inside the Vatican” article Aug./Sept. 2012 by Mercedes Wilson
An Analysis of why US President Barack Obama chose to challenge the power of the Catholic Church during this election year

The rather ironic title of his autobiography, The Audacity of Hope, has left American Catholics both skeptical and concerned about Barack Obama’s intentions towards our Church. In a series of maneuvers in recent months, he has trampled on our conscience rights, threatened the existence of our healthcare and social services institutions, and slapped us in the face with his and his “Catholic” vice president’s craven support of homosexual marriage. And why has he done this?

Basically, because he feels he can get away with it. Someone whispered in his ear that most “Catholic hospitals” are already doing what he is demanding: providing artificial birth control (abortifacients), performing sterilizations and (a few) even abortions, not to mention conducting organ transplantation procedures where vital organs are excised from living donors while their hearts are still beating. This is all done, at best, with clerical ignorance about what is really going on in these places or, at worst, with just a wink-and-a-nod attitude.

Why shouldn’t Mr. Obama want to force his agenda on our Church? Flaccid Catholicism is fertile ground for it. “The open question is how deeply this will be a wake-up call for Catholics in getting back to basics.”

Such an affront against the Churchy and the Vicar of Christ really began in July 1968 when Pau VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae was opposed, ignored and/or challenged by a high percentage of the Western leadership of the Catholic Church. After decades of this teaching being back-shelved, with very few exceptions, by a majority of our shepherds, faithful Catholics ? now almost welcome Obama’s arrogant bluster. Why? Because it has brought into the open what should have been publicly opposed by the clergy all these years. Whether we like it or not, we are all being forced to have conversations about what we believe and why we believe it.

This next section is in a separate letter: “What Birth Control Pills Are Doing To Women”

While we appreciate the recent legal actions against the HHS Mandate as a sign of proactive concern for the well being of our institutions, it is clear that we need leadership for us, the rank and file, if we are to return to the fidelity of the Truth. Our own house needs to be put in order, otherwise the likes of Mr. Obama and his minions will continue to kick our Church to the curb of irrelevance in the public square.

If we could respectively advise the bishops of the United States, we would recommend the following corrective measures to the dissent that the teachings of the Magisterium receive on a regular basis…

George H. Kubeck - to be continued - Thus far today 50 flyers delivered at one church. (Cars parked on the street, gently on the left side door.)

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