Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Vatican's Tough Love for the U.S. Catholic Church

The Vatican’s Tough Love for the U.S. Catholic Church

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012

(This is the last part 3 from Inside the Vatican -Aug./Sept./12, Mercedes Wilson, p. 44-5)
“Our own house needs to be put in order, otherwise the likes of Mr. Obama and his minions will continue to kick our Church to the curb of irrelevance in the public square. If we could respectfully advise the bishops of the U.S., we would recommend the following corrective measures to the dissent that that the teachings of the Magisterium receive on a regular basis.

“Bishops and Catholic healthcare administrators must immediately stop the procurement of artificial methods of birth control, sterilization, abortion and any involvement in the transplanting unpaired vital organs, such as heart, liver, or pancreas from living donors whose hearts are still beating, in Catholic hospitals.

“Bishops should address an open letter to the laity to be read at all Masses in their diocese, reminding them that they cannot receive Communion if they are using artificial methods of birth control, abortifacients, have been sterilized or have had an induced abortion, without first receiving forgiveness through the Sacrament of Confession.

“Our bishops should direct parish priests to offer the Sacrament of Confession for at least one hour before every Holy Mass as well as a minimum of two hours on Saturdays. This will enable families to receive the Sacrament of Confession at more convenient times to save their souls.

“Priests and clergy councils should develop serious policies based on the numerous studies to deal coherently with the epidemic of cohabitation and pre-marital sex in those presenting themselves for Catholic marriage; they need to be aware of the catastrophic damage that is done to the concept of marriage by these behaviors as more than half end up divorcing; pre-Cana programs which should include instruction in Natural Family Planning, should also seriously challenge the couples in areas of faith and family values as prerequisites to Church weddings.

“Diocese should take a serious attitude toward making Natural Family Planning available to all its parishioners, not only in Pre-Cana classes, but also to the whole diocese, with the goal of having a teacher in every parish of the United States.

“And finally, pastors of souls should provide the faithful with adequate and orthodox information regarding many of the serious moral and bioethical issues that will confront their flocks literally on a daily basis: brain death and organ transplantation, living wills, embryonic stem cell research and in vito fertilization, end-of-life issues, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, etc.

“The flock is being ravaged by wolves in professional garb and is unprepared to meet the demands of the sophisticated argument that the culture presents to them. If we are serous about confronting President Obama for violating our rights to “freedom of religion” we must make sure that we have our own housed in order first; all Catholics and Catholic institutions must understand the damage that has been done to men and women in their physical, moral, and spiritual life by disobeying the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

“… As crucial as (“freedom of religion”), I believe it should not obscure our most important message to the general public which should be that the Catholic Church has literally been the main defender of the human race because, by preserving her teaching with respect to the Natural, Moral and Divine Law, she has remained immovable in the face of the powerful immoral forces of the day. We expect that of a Church found by Christ. …" [An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.]

George H. Kubeck, Thank you President Obama for this wake-up call. “We change a negative into a positive.” And for Catholic voters who are still fondly in love with Obama; please do other Catholics a favor 1) stay home and not vote. 2) We are all in the same boat. Other Catholics would appreciate this. Why? We all don’t want to become second-class American citizens with your vote.

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