Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI's Message to Catholic Media Conference

Pope Benedict XVI’ s Message to Catholic Media Conference
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Memorial - Ignatius of Loyola- Priest - Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Pope wrote this message in 1977* and in 1984.* There were several speakers at the 2012 Catholic Media Conference in Indianapolis on June 22nd. I believe the following remarks by the Pope are also very important for the Catholic media to digest and ponder.

“There is no such thing as a purely objective news report… Our reporting is always means a selecting. Therefore every report is an interpretation, even if only because of what is not reported, and what is not said.

“But this means that the technology of reporting without the ethics of reporting is inhuman and we must ask ourselves if we have not become, on the one hand, giants of technology, but on the other hand infants in the matter of ethics in general and of the ethics of reporting in particular.

“It is precisely in this context, I think, that the particular task of the Catholic news agency becomes clear. Not only does it bring the vast realm of Church news into contact with the realm of human debate and make it comprehensible, but it exists precisely to develop and put into practice the ethics of reporting.


“Journalism is meaningful only when it helps to learn the truth. It can be a genuine calling only when there is a truth that is good. Then it is right and necessary to help this truth to find its proper expression.

“The fundamental certainty that Good does exist and that we are created for it is not an obstacle to the work of the journalist, but rather makes if possible. It must be the first pillar of genuine journalistic ethics.


May I add the following for journalists to report on and which they do not cover.

Let’s focus on politicians like Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, N.Y. Gov. Cuomo and Vice-President Biden. They use the Catholic label when they run for office. But their votes & actions are contrary to the ten commandments & the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is a yes or no answer on abortion and marriage which they prostitute with their votes.

1.) We have political correctness and religious correctness. Religious correctness censors the truth and is like a cover-up. The whole truth does not reach the reader and parishioner.
That is a scandal, wrong and destructive to American Catholic identity in the public sector.

2.) The time has come for the American Catholic Church to have a real divorce from the Democratic Party. All clerics and religious should register as independents. Some departments within the USCCB should be dissolved.

George H. Kubeck *Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Ignatius, 1992, Meditation for July 25 and 26th.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Amateur - Barack Obama

The Amateur - Barack Obama - 2
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, July 30 , 2012

Here we have the last 3 pages of Edward Klein book, “The Amateur”

“[Obama] is determined to make the election a contest between two policy alternatives, deliberately omitting the issue of competence,” says Dick Morris…

“To win reelection in 2012, Barack Obama must divert the country’s attention from his record of incompetence and amateurism. He doesn’t want to remind people that America lost its triple-A credit rating on his watch - a downgrade that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of S. C. called a firing offense. Republicans will have to remind them. [All of the following.]

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people that he increased the national debt by nearly $5 trillion - the most rapid increase in debt under any president.

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people that he pushed through a bill that includes more than a trillion dollars in new healthcare spending and contains a 4.5 percent tax increase.

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people that Jon Corzine’s bankrupt financial company, MF Global, which is under investigation by a grand jury for misusing client’s money, was one of the top sources of contributions to Obama’s reelection campaign.

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people of his erratic stand on illegal immigration, which has swung wildly between fast-paced deportations - removing nearly 400,000 illegal foreigners in each of the last three years - to a policy of virtual amnesty.

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people of his inconsistency on environmental regulation - first pushing through burdensome, anti-business rules to toughen air-quality standards, then suddenly scrapping those rules to win over campaign supporters in the business community.

“Obama doesn’t want to remind people that he was for lower taxes before he was for higher taxes; that he was for forcing Catholic-affiliated institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion insurance principles; that he was removing terrorists from Guantanamo before he was for dividing it; that he was for a grand bargain with Republicans over debt ceiling before he was against it; that he was for energy independence before he reject the Keystone Pipeline; that he was in favor of extending an olive branch to the mullahs in Iran before he was against it…


George H. Kubeck

This War of Independence

This War of Independence
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, July 30, 2012

Let’s have a conversation. What is this War of Independence all about? It is the presidential election year 2012! Thanks to the Heritage Foundation we were persuaded to reread the Declaration of Independence on July 4th.

The first one was independence from King George of England. Taxation without representation. [If we lost we would still have the rights of Englishmen.] This second war is independence from King Obama. However, for me there is much more than the following:

The war of independence from Obamacare! The war of independence from the two-faced-double-standard-media! The war of independence from the fake-Catholic-label politician! Or the war of independence from Governor Brown’s SB 160 - Rodda Act (1975) which destroyed the integrity of the public school teacher in California. [The passage of Proposition 32 is a road to restore teacher independence and honor.]

President Obama evolved in changing his mind on marriage to same-sex marriage. That is just the tip of the iceberg. He has already evolved on the role of religion in America. [The HHS Mandate] He said he wants to transform America. What kind of America?

Is it to make us better Americans? He is a role model for what! He has almost the doubled the number of Americans on food stamps. Obama is not job creator. Obama is the Food Stamp President of the United States. Is that something we can be proud of? He doesn’t seem to care about our deficits or the real unemployment in America.

How about the many homes that are financially underwater. Many Americans have used up their savings and IRA accounts since he came into office. He doesn’t care.

He acts and rules like a king or God. Our American Motto is: Life - Liberty - and the Pursuit of Happiness. Obama’s policies are directed to the French ideal: Liberty - Equality - Fraternity. Obama does not have an American mindset.

He is trying to change the very nature of being an American. That is wrong and diabolical. Immigrants did not come to America be become Europeans. If that’s what they wanted they would have immigrated to Europe.

If he is reelected in an honest election, Obama will change us to become Europeans with their mindset and today clones us. His allies include America’s culture of death, along with the corrupt elite, foundations, corporations and billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg.

Thank God the presidential election is not going to be decided in California! This state is morally, intellectually and financially bankrupt. Pro-life, marriage and family advocates seem to be very weak and were unable to put on the ballot- parental notification or the repeal of SB 48. This decade is not the California of the 1960s. We are not Texas.

This election is about American values versus European values. If we lose this war we will have lost our American heritage. Down with King Obama, a tyrant in sheep’s clothing!

George H. Kubeck - Do read the book by Edward Klein, The Amateur! [Sam’s Club - $16.00]

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Assault on Chick-fil-A

The Assault on Chick-fil-A
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, July 29, 2012

Down with living in the Pravda twilight zone of political correctness! For a breadth of fresh air let’s listen to excerpts of Mark Steyn’ article in the Orange County Register, California, this Sunday’s paper, “Don’t Cross the Forces of Tolerance.”

“To modify Lord Acton, power corrupts absolutely, but aldermanic power corrupts all der more manically. Proco “Joe Moreno is alderman of the First Ward of Chicago, and last week, in a city with an Aurora-size body count every weekend , his priority was to take the municipal tire-iron to the owners of a chain of fast-food restaurants.

“Because of this man’s ignorance,” said Alderman Moreno, “I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the First Ward. This man’s ignorance”? You mean of the city of Chicago permit process?… No, Alderman Moreno means “this man’s ignorance” of the approved position on same-sex marriage… The Muppets, for example, have reacted to Mr. Cathy’s observations by announcing that they’re severing all ties with Chick-fil-A. Did you know that the Muppet corporation has a position on gay marriage? Well they do…

“The city’s mayor, Rahm Emmanuel agrees with the alderman: Chick-fil-A does not represent “Chicago values” which is true if by “Chicago values” you mean machine politics. AIDS-conspiracy-peddling pastors and industrial-scale black youth homicide rates.

“But, before he was mayor, Rahm Emmanuel was president Obama’s chief of staff. Until the President’s recent “evolution” the Obama administration held the same position on gay marriage as Chick-fil-A. Would Alderman Moreno have denied Barack Obama the right to open a chicken restaurant in the First Ward…

“Meanwhile, fellow mayor Tom Menino announced that Chick-fil-A would not be coming in his burg anytime soon. “If they need licenses in the city, it will be very difficult,” said His Honor… this guy Menino isn’t the mayor of Soviet Cham under the Khmer Rouge, but of Boston, Mass. Nevertheless he shares the commissar’s view that in order to operate even a modest and politically inconsequential business it is necessary to demonstrate that one is in full ideological compliance with party orthodoxy…

“Yet when it comes to fighting homophobia on Boston’s Freedom Trail, His Honor is highly selective. As the Boston Herald’s Michael Graham pointed out, Menino is happy to hand out municipal licenses to groups whose most prominent figures calls for gays to be put to death. The mayor couldn’t have been more accommodating (including giving them $1.8 million of municipal land) of the new mosque of the Islamist Society of Boston, whose IRS returns listed as one of their seven trustees Yusuf al-Quardawi…

“In Mayor Menino’s Boston, if you take the same view of marriage as President Obama in 2009-2012, he’ll run you out of town… This inconsistency is very telling. The forces of “tolerance” and “diversity” are ever more intolerant of anything less than total ideological homogeneity. ..

“A few weeks back, Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor who “says he’s never voted for a Republican presidential candidate,” published a paper in the journal Social Science Research whose findings, alas, did not conform to the party line on gay parenting. Immediately the party of science set about ending his career, demanding he be investigated for “scientific misconduct” and calling on mainstream TV and radio networks to ban him…

“Americans talk more about liberty than citizens of other Western nations, but, underneath the rhetorical swagger, liberty bleeds… It’s not about marriage, it’s not about gays, it’s about a basic understanding that a free society requires a decent respect for a wide range of opinion without penalty by the state…”

George H. Kubeck - There are other places to vacation instead of Chicago or Boston.

But I feel that we are Catholic today

But I feel that we are all Catholic today
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where would America’s pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family be without the daily reports from Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins’ Washington Update like July 19, 2012? Let’s go on the campaign trail with Mitt Romney in Bowling Green, Ohio on July 18th.

“Religious liberty,” he told a crowd in Ohio, is the “first freedom of those enumerated in the Bill of Rights. And the president and his administration said they are going to usurp your religious freedom by demanding that you provide products to your employees, if you’re the Catholic, that violates your conscience.

“And so whether it is a Catholic businessperson or the Catholic Church itself they are being told what they have to do that violates their religious conscience. That attack on religious freedom is a dangerous and unfortunate precedent.

“And I know that we are not all Catholics in this room. Many presumably are. But I feel that we are all Catholic today in our battle to preserve religious freedom and tolerance and freedom in this country, it is essential for us to push back against that.”

“His comment earned a standing ovation and chants from the crowd to “Say it again!” I will say it again, “Romney replied. “That’s one more good reason to get rid of Obamacare. And I’m going to get that done the first day I’m in office.”

“If Evangelicals and Catholics have a stronger alliance than ever, they have President Obama to thank. If any good has come from the administration’s anti-faith, contraception and abortion pill mandate, it’s a growing partnership between the two major groups. Nowhere is that more evident than the wave of joint lawsuits filed against the policy.

“Wheaton College and Catholic University made the latest splash, joining forces in federal court to battle Health and Human Services (HHS) for the right to exercise their conscience. Together with more than 40 other entities, their institutions are linking arms to fight for religious freedom - a fight that’s quickly becomes one of Gov. Mitt Romney’s top priorities.

George H. Kubeck

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Amateur - Barack Hussein - 1

The Amateur - Barack Hussein - 1
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 28, 2012

“Beware of any amateur or pied piper; his spirit rules the world”

Eureka! We found an honest journalist. You decide. His name is Edward Klein. He wrote a book about our President Barack Obama. This is the first in a series. I respect the Office of the President. It is difficult to fill. May I share with you the last 5 pages of the book in Klein’s own words. It tells us how the President plans to get reelected.

“When voters are asked in 2012, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” they can give only one possible answer: “No!” Therefore, the only way Obama can win a second term in the White House by diverting attention from his incompetence and sliming his Republican opponent.

“Over $15 trillion in debt,” writes Joe Hagan in New Yorker Magazine, [more than 8] percent unemployment, yawing structural problems , a severely gridlocked government - Obama is in a box, and there is only one way out of his box: THE LOW ROAD.

“Obama knows this, and he is gearing up for a campaign that will in no way resemble his inspirational “hope and change” campaign in 2008. This time around, his goal is to raise and overwhelming $1 billion campaign chest, unleash super-PAC backed by the unlimited financial resources of such leftwing billionaires as George Soros, and get down in the mud and wage the ugliest campaign in modern American history. p. 254

“It’s a deeply pessimistic time,” says Steve Schmidt, who served as senior strategist to the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain in 2008...

“Obama’s strategy will be to convince voters the he isn’t the issue - that his Republican opponent is the issue - and that, as France’s Louis XV famously said, “After me, the flood.” The idea will be to frighten voters away from the “scary” Republican alternative.

“This is a choice about who we are and what we stand for,” Obama declared, “and whoever win this next election is going to set the template for this country for a long time to come… The alternative I think is an approach to government that would fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st Century.” p.255

“Cripple America, Strong words that suggest a Republican president would devastate, ruin, and destroy the United States. One can just imagine David Axelrod sitting in his war room in Chicago and screening the infamous 1964 anti-Barry Goldwater TV commercial, which created for President Lyndon Johnson by Tony Schwartz of Doyle Dane Bernbach, and which showed a little girl picking petals from a daisy while an ominous-sounding male voice counted down to the launch of nuclear missile. As the camera slowly zoomed in, her eye was filled with an atomic mushroom cloud.

“The implication was that Goldwater would start a nuclear war and cripple America, destroy it. A voice over from Johnson stated, “These are the stakes! To make a world in which all of God’s children can live, or to go into the dark. We must love each other, or we must die.” Then another voiceover, this one from sportscaster Chris Schenkel, said, “Vote for President Johnson on November 3. The stakes are too high for you to stay home. p. 256

“It’s a pretty safe bet that David Axelrod will try to devise an updated version of the “Daisy Girl” commercial in 2012, and that Barack Obama’s mantra will be: The stakes are too high for you to vote for that frightening Republican. …” [Mitt Romney] to be continued.

George H. Kubeck - Be forewarned of a twilight zone. This election will be a kind of brainwashing and psychological warfare against the American people in order for Obama to get reelected.

Friday, July 27, 2012

J.C. Penney - Two Different Reports

J.C. Penney - Two Different Reports
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, July 27, 2012

A. Wall Street Journal: Thursday, July 26, 2012 - “Penney’s To Make Deeper Cuts”
“J.C. Penney Co. is preparing to make deep price cuts across much of its merchandise, people familiar with the matter said, a significant shift in tactics for Chief Executive Ron Johnson as he tries to draw shoppers back into his stores… [Why?]

“The company has repeatedly said it would take years to turn around the chain, but investors aren’t showing much patience. Despite a small upstick on Wednesday, the stock is down 40% since the start of the calendar year.

“Penney’s suppliers, meanwhile, are complaining that the new strategy has crushed their sales… Another vendor who has suffered a 40% decline in sales with Penney over the past year has been working more closely with Kohl’s Corp. and Macy’s Inc. to offset the drop in sales…

“Mr. Johnson’s new pricing policy … set three tiers for pricing: Everyday low prices that were 40% lower than Penny’s starting prices last year, “month long values” where certain items were put on an even deeper discount for an entire month, and “Best Price Fridays: that were clearance days starting on two Fridays a month…

B. American Family Association - AFA Action Alert contact@afa.net - July 17, 2012
J.C. Penney stock crashes with new of gay marriage support

Stock rated “junk” status, loses 50% since February, 350 layoffs at home office
Dear C.,

Simply put, people are not shopping at J.C. Penney, AFA and OneMillionMoms are showing success in the effort to educate people to Penney’s aggressive national campaign to promote “gay’ marriage… Standard &Poor’ Rating Services lowered its credit rating on J.C. Penney Co. further into “Junk” status.

1) Feb. 2012 - JCP announces Ellen DeGeneres as new spokesperson. Stock Price $41.32

2) May 2012 - JCP launches catalog ad featuring two “gay” moms. Stock Price - $35.67

3) June 2012 - JCP launches catalog ad featuring two “gay” dads. Stock Price - $25.83

4) July 2012 -- JCP stock rated “junk” by S&P, JCP fires marketing executives. - $20.02

First-year CEO Ron Johnson’s decisions have led to a disastrous results for the company. Rather than build on the faith-based traditions of founder James Cash Penney, Johnson has abandoned family values … by embracing social activism… As long as it pushes homosexual marriage families will go elsewhere.

TAKE ACTION: Make a personal phone call to J.C. Penney’ customer serviced department. Urge them to return to family values and stop pushing the gay marriage agenda. Their numbers are 972-431-8200 (customer service) and 972-431-1000 (corporate headquarters)

Because JCP blocks emails from our server, you can also write a personal email to J.C. Penney at this email address: jcpcorpcomm@jcpenney.com

George H. Kubeck, I have been a customer of Penney’s for decades. The suit I wear on Sundays was bought at Penney’s which is going bankrupt. Why is Home Depot and Starbucks Coffee doing likewise and also support and promote financially gay marriage? Why this self-destruction of three great companies? Telephone them! The definition of marriage is between a man and a woman.

This Godless Mandate*

This Godless Mandate*
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, July 27, 2012

There is wisdom in old age. A kindly 83-year old Texas gentleman, Father Montague took his listeners by surprise with a speech delivered at the Stand up for Religious Freedom rally in New Braunfels, Texas on June 8, 2012.

“Now some of our fellow citizens will ask: why such force, such vehemence, even such anger? As long as the Catholic parish and diocese are exempt from the HHS contraception Mandate (through an extremely narrow religious exemption to the law), is it really so important also to exempt the Catholic university, hospital, soup kitchen, and crisis pregnancy center? Let me give you the answer.

“It all comes down to what religion really is, and the problem with the HHS Mandate is the cramped and withered idea of religion that lurks behind it. As long as the Church is serving only her own members - as long as the Church is turned inward -- only then does the President recognize her right to religious freedom.

“But once let the Church open her doors to the outside world, and she gives up her freedom. Let the Church open her door to help the sick, the poor, the uneducated, or the exploited - and what does the President do?

“Her slams the door shut! He locks it, and he bolts it. Then what does he do? He crouches down, squints his eye, and peers through the keyhole of that church door. What does he see? He grins and he sees religion just where he wants it: confined to the church, constrained in its action, and concealed from view. …

“Freedom of worship is necessary and good, of course, but the right to freedom of religion includes more than the right of worship. In addition to worship, freedom of religion includes the right to teach, to evangelize, to do charity work, and to go out to the world for countless other purposes that find their inspiration in religion…

“Both common sense and sensibilities of believers everywhere see the religious inspiration in Mother Teresa’s service to the poor and in Father Damien’s care for the lepers on Molokei. But President Obama will see none of it! If he cannot see it by peering into the narrow keyhole of the church door, then the President does not see it as religion.

“What is the result of such a view of religion as the President has?

1) Religion is driven from the public square. 2) If Catholic groups wish to take part in federal programs to help victims of human trafficking, the President now demands that they provide referrals for abortions and contraception. 3) Some cities and states have barred the Church from providing adoption services. Why? Because she will place children with unmarried or same-sex couples. 4) And now the President is coercing Catholic colleges and hospitals to contradict the Catholic faith by providing contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.

“This is an assault, not only on the Church and not only on religious believers, but on the human spirit itself. This impoverished view of religion, goes hand-in-hand with a twisted and deformed vision of the human person. The President tells you that you can have your religion at home and in church, but you dare not bring it with you into the public square…”

George H. Kubeck - Repeal, Duplicate, Pass Out and Vote. *Christi Fidelis, July 11/12 - V. 30, No. 3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Critics of "For Greater Glory"

The Critics of “For Greater Glory”
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, July 26, 2012

Preface: The purpose of this letter is study the mindset of a post-Christian mentality that we have in America today and how to deal with it. I recall Venerable Fulton Sheen on television. He would rip these critics to shreds with common sense and natural law. I wish we had some Catholic laity out there to do likewise.

“For Greater Glory” is a superb religious historical film. What I liked in particular is that it enhances a great respect for the character of the Mexican people. So let us take a look at Media Research Center, Monthly Report, (4 pages) V. 19, issue 7, July 2012 section “Anti-Christian Film Critics” and L. Brent Bozell’s article - Viva Cristo Rey!

“Elitist and leftist film critic at some of the nation’s top papers hyper-criticized and smeared the new movie For Greater Glory because it tells the truth about anti-Catholic persecution in 1920s Mexico and the pro-Christian “Cristeros” who fought back and won.

“On June 1 at the L.A. Times, Robert Abele sneered that the film is “mostly single-minded, dying-for-the cause fodder, catnip for crusaders but not so interesting to those looking for a deeper view in how politics and religion can tragically clash.”

“The NYT’s Stephen Hodin minimized the depiction of 14-year old Jose Luis Sanchez’s murder as a “kind of passion play exploited for maximum teary-eyed outrage.”

“Tom Long at the Detroit Times yawned that “apparently the Mexican government went on some sort of a rampage against Catholics. Priests were shot, churches shuttered, that kind of thing. … And why do we care?”

“Mexico’s then-Marxist government war against Catholics is a historical fact and occurred between 1927 and 1929. An estimated 90,000 died in the conflict, including at least 30,000 Cristeros. In addition, 25 people who defended the faith in Mexico have since been declared saints; the 14-year-old boy, Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio, who was brutally tortured and then shot in the head, has been declared blessed (the last step towards sainthood) by the Catholic Church…

“Slant magazine pans it as a film “that gives the screen epic a bad name.” It attacks the “solemn speechifying,” the “overstuffed cast of characters,” the “half-baked material,” and given “this religion is specifically Catholic…[the movie] … makes the material a tough sell.” When Garcia’s character ultimately converts to Christianity, “we’re back to embracing a worldview where the implied mandate to practice Catholicism fells near as onerous as the inability to do so…

“Slant dismisses “a whole host of bathetic subplots” claiming “its martyrdom fetish reaches its grotesque nadir when a young boy dies rather than make the most token anti-Catholic gesture.”… The “most token anti-Catholic gesture” which would have saved his life was his refusal to shout “Death to Christ the King,” instead proclaiming “Viva Cristo Rey!” Jose was 14. He was beatified by Benedict XVI in 2005. It is still illegal to celebrate Mass outdoors in Mexico.”

George H. Kubeck, I do not have any respect for the two-faced-double-standard-media that we have in America today. For American Christians, they are like Pravda was to Communist Russia and Goebbels propaganda media was to Nazi Germany.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I Learned from Chicago?

What I Learned from Chicago?
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A chicken in the car and the car can’t go and that’s the way to spell Chicago.

Seriously, the first thing that comes to my mind is stuffed ballots and dead people voting. That’s where ACORN learned how to do it!

Secondly, it is the past corrupt mayor Richard Daley of Chicago. He is a Catholic, I don’t know how he got away with it; pay to play politics, bribery etc. Surely, he is the poster boy of the future CINOP - Catholic-in-name-only politician.

Thirdly, I remember the voting results coming in from the Presidential elections in 1960 between Nixon and Kennedy. Chicago’s Cook County came in with the stuffed ballot votes, winning Illinois for Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson had something similar happening in Texas. President Eisenhower told Nixon to go ahead with a legal challenge to the results. Nixon did not pursue it. [I was a strong Nixon supporter. Supported him because of the enemies he had. He helped put the traitor Alger Hiss in jail and was much more qualified to deal with communist Russia and the nation. Whittaker Chambers book, The Witness is still an excellent read. I could not vote for Nixon because I was a legal immigrant and not yet a citizen. I volunteered RA for three years & was stationed in Metz, France. 1959-1961]

Fourthly, honesty in presidential and all elections is the best policy. Be prepared and watch what will happen in this year’s presidential election. A president can make or break a country. [With Nixon as president in 1960, we would never have had the Bay of Pigs. Cuba would be a free country instead of enslaved for more than 50 years. We had the Monroe Doctrine. Castro’s communist rule is a judgment on liberalism, progressivism and the Democratic Party. We would have avoided the tragedies of the Vietnam War and Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. Billions of dollars were spent and it destroyed the Black American Family. Enough said.]

Fifthly, we have this Chicago mindset for decades. The good guy mindset are Democrats and lefties. The bad guys are independents, Republicans, conservatives and libertarians. The lefties include sophisticated communists, anarchist and terrorists. Imagine this mindset in Orange County, California. We would have characters like Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky , Bill Ayers etc. That’s the environment President Barack Obama came into and is using on a national scale. The attacks on Romney will be Chicago style. Will the two-faced, double-standard media go along? Yes!

Sixthly, I remember reading Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.” He mentioned twice Cardinal Bernadin. However, we find out that about 40 parts of the book are make believe. Maybe President Obama should check with ghostwriter Bill Ayers to rewrite the book.

Seventhly, the Chicago mentality is not America and never will be America unless President Barack Obama is reelected. Catholic voters and bishops in America should realize this. The so-called social justice of Saul Alinsky and terrorist Bill Ayers is evil. We can’t allow ourselves to be useful idiots for their leftist and culture of death causes.

George H. Kubeck, I took notes of the above weeks ago. Finally, got it off my mind.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Address to the Catholic Press by S.K. Anderson - 2 of 2

Address to the Catholic Press by S.K. Anderson -2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 24, 2012

K. of C. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson to 2012 Catholic Media Conference, June 22, 2012
3) Consistent Commitment to the Church’s Social Teaching - cont’d

“Those of us who criticized the so-called “Cuomo doctrine” saw the issue not as a question of Catholic faith, but as a matter of social justice and human rights. Yet the force with which Gov. Cuomo made his argument and its widespread acceptance effectively inoculated a generation of “pro-choice” Catholic politicians. The result has been a political stalemate on the abortion issue for nearly three decades…

“… also another effect. Gov. Cuomo’s rationale created an environment in which it became easier for candidates to dismiss other principles of Catholic social teaching… It has blocked the potential of Catholic social teaching to transform our politics…

4) Transforming Politics by Transcending Partisanship

“During the 1980s, some Catholics came to regard the “Cuomo Doctrine” as a kind of “truce” in the culture war. Catholics would be free to practice their faith while not taking positions consistent with fundamental Catholic teaching because this would be imposing their morality on others.

“But this year many Catholics sense that this “peaceful co-existence” with secular culture has ended as a result of the HHS mandate on contraception.

“Catholic public officials, who for years maintained that they would not impose their religious morality on others, now appear entirely comfortable with imposing secular values on their fellow Catholics and Catholic institutions.

“Our bishops tell us that, if implemented, the HHS mandate will affect the autonomy and integrity of our Church and its institutions - that it will dramatically change the mission of the Catholic Church in the United States. Therefore the HHS mandate confronts us with a challenge which is very different from that of social issues such as legal abortion. It is different because it is a challenge to the integrity of our Catholic institutions and our own lives as Catholics…

“These government initiatives have profoundly raised the stakes for the future of religion in America… the question now is the sustainability of the mission of Catholic institutions. In these circumstances Catholics can no longer accept politics as usual.

“Today, Catholic voters must have the courage to tell candidates that if they want Catholic votes they will have to respect the fundamental principles of Catholic social teaching such as the sanctity of human life before birth as institutions of marriage and family… And they should have the courage to withhold their vote from candidates who fail this test.

“The bishops’ document, Faithful Citizenship, tells us that some actions are intrinsically evil and must always be opposed… but to be able to effectively do this, we must first refuse to support candidates who advocate policies that are intrinsically evil…

“We insist that politicians seek our vote on our terms - that is to say, on the terms of an authentic appreciation of Catholic social teaching… And if so, how would that new reality change the platforms of both our major political parties regarding other principles of Catholic social teaching?…But the outcome could be a new political coalition in which Catholics would play an irreplaceable role. This is not promoting partisan politics - it is opposite of partisanship…

“No political party in America can be successful and at the same time lose a majority of Catholic voters… you and I have a responsibility to make this happen…”

George H. Kubeck- We perceive a critical difference between intrinsically evil issues and prudential.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Address to the Catholic Press by S.K. Anderson

Address to the Catholic Press by S. K. Anderson
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, July 23, 2012

Significant excerpts in the address to journalists gathered for the 2012 Catholic Media Conference in Indianapolis on June 22, by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus: No to “candidates who advocate policies that are intrinsically evil.”

“All of us have at one time or another lamented the sad state of today’s political environment: the intransigence and partisanship that disfigure nearly every national policy debate and make the search for solutions virtually impossible…

“Catholics are uniquely positioned to offer as solution to our current dilemma. We have an extraordinary rich tradition of social teaching and the experience that much of American history has been shaped by Catholics…

“Catholics can truly transcend partisanship and transform our nation’s politics. I would propose four steps by which we may do so.

1) Civility in America’s National Discourse

“We must hope that even our most strident adversaries may one day join us as saved souls together in heaven…

“I concluded [in my most recent book) Beyond a House Divided by quoting from Robert Kenney’s speech following the announcement of Dr. King’s death, “What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the U.S. is not hatred; what we need in the U.S. is not violence or lawlessness, but is love, wisdom, compassion toward one another… We need to embrace this attitude not only after a national tragedy. This attitude should be normative of our national life.

2) Charity as a Distinctive Catholic Contribution to National Life

“This is the lesson, we should learn from the religious brothers and sisters and other Catholics who by their sacrifice built our schools and hospitals, or orphanages and universities. They did so much to make America a more humane society.

“Catholic charity is not simply a mechanism for the more efficient or cost-effective delivery of social services.

“As Pope Benedict XVI reminds us in Deus Caritas Est, Catholic charity arises from “a heart that sees where love is needed” and responds appropriately. It arises from a religious tradition that understands that caritas is the pre-requisite of justice, And as Pope Benedict observed, there is no society so perfect as to have escaped the need for love…

3) Consistent Commitment to the Church’s Social Teaching

“Since 2008, the Knights of Columbus has worked with the Marist Institute for Public Opinion on a series of surveys on the ethical attitudes of Americans. We call it our Moral Compass Project. Our polling - as illustrated in my book Beyond a House Divided - has shown that Americans attraction to Catholic social teaching transcends party lines. Americans share a broad moral and even spiritual consensus that often tracks closely with Catholic social teaching…
“One of the great obstacles to forming a successful Catholic coalition on the life issue was the position of Gov. Mario Cuomo articulated in a 1984 speech at the University of Notre Dame. He defended his position of being personally opposed to abortion but unwilling to take a position opposing abortion because this would mean imposing his beliefs on his fellow citizens.

“Those of us who disagreed saw a fatal flaw in his argument. We understood Catholic teaching on abortion to have nothing to do with faith per se. Medical science has concluded that being alive in a mother’s womb is a human being irrespective of one’s religious convictions. Therefore, the protection of innocent human life that is a fundamental legal principle of every civilized society should apply to protect unborn children… to be continued … George H. Kubeck

Sunday, July 22, 2012

One Nation Under Government - Not Under God

One Nation Under Government - Not Under God
In pursuit of the truth - cinops*be gone - Sunday, July 22, 2012

Preface: It is unbelievable what has occurred in America since our President Barack Obama was inaugurated in Jan. 2009. About 54% of American Catholics voted for him. He is still our President until Nov. 6th. He wants to transform us into becoming Europeans.

Even CINOPs V.P. Biden and former Chief of Staff Daley advised the President and CINOP Sebelius not to do the HHS Mandate. [*Catholic-in-name-only politicians.]

The policies of President Obama both domestic and foreign frighten me to the nth degree and it is the one reason I e-mail one or two letters each day to persuade and inform. With almost 1500 posted letters since 2007, we do get about 6,000 results each day and with your help, you can double and triple that.

“The level of a society can always be recognized by what it deems worthy of protection.” Pope Benedict XVI in today’s meditation, Co-Workers of the Truth.

Again the weekly “Westminster Herald” has blessed us with the above titled article by Catholic author Phyllis Schlafly July 19th issue. Here are only several of the highlights!

He is determined to transform America into a totally secular land where religion is permitted only within the walls of a church and is banned in every public place, public gathering and public school.

Obama tipped us off to his animosity toward religious Americans when, campaigning in San Francisco in 2008, he insulted religious people in small towns. He said, they “they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiments as a way to explain their frustration.” [I would like a reporter to ask him to elaborate more on the above.]

In April 2009, Obama delivered a speech at Georgetown University, only after his staff had pressured the Catholic college to conceal the monogram for the name of Jesus that was always displayed above the podium. [That would be a reason to cancel the talk.]

In May 2009, he cancelled the traditional White House event honoring National Day of Prayer, saying that he would pray only in private.

Obama began censoring religious words out of important American documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, from which many times deleted the word “Creator.”

In a November 2010, speech, Obama pretended to quote the U.S. national motto, “In God We Trust,” but he changed it to “e pluribus Unum” (out of many one.)

In July 2011, Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs banned any mention of Jesus Christ during burials at Houston National Cemetery. The ban was lifted only after hundreds of demonstrators protested…

George H. Kubeck - The Guadalupe Celebration will help America. It is on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012 at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum -- prayer, music and speakers, www.guadalupecelebration.com

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Catholics and Modernity

Catholics and Modernity

In pursuit of the truth - cinops* be gone - Saturday, July 21, 2012

Preface: Without hesitation, George Weigel is the distinguished Catholic writer in America. For Catholics and Non-Catholics when George talks or writes, we listen. Here are excerpts from his article in the National Review, July 12/12. Here is where we are going!

“For it was Father Murphy who, covering the Second Vatican Council for the New Yorker under the pseudonym “Xavier Rynne,” concocted the cowboys-and Indians hermeneutic of all things Catholic that has plagued the mainstream media’s reporting and commentary on the Catholic Church for two generations: There are good-guy Catholics, known as “liberals” or “progressives,” who want to make the Church relevant to contemporary society and culture; and there are bad-guy Catholics, known as “conservatives” or “traditionalists,” who want to retreat into the catacombs of intransigence because of their inability to grasp or comprehend a modern (and, latterly, postmodern) world they regard with horror… [*Catholic-in-name-only-politicians]

“So Murphy/Rynne hit on a brilliant strategy, perfectly adapted to the Sixties and the middle years of Kennedy Camelot; treat Vatican II as a political contest between the forces of light and the forces of reaction; run everything and everybody at the council through those filters; and then watch readers acclaim, with one voice, “I get it!”…The same nonsense prevails throughout the rest of Europe, even as the European Catholicism that most enthusiastically embraced the “progressive” or “open Church” model shrinks into ecclesial and public inconsequence.

“The problem, of course, is the cowboys-Indians/left-right optic is incapable with the fact that the Catholic Church is about true-and-false, not liberal-and-conservative…And in a secularized culture in which “choice” is the one sacred word, a Church that its leadership teaches authoritatively is going to be easily portrayed as ham-handed, insensitive, and out of step…

“The perpetual distortion of the Rynne optic inevitably creates were on full display in a story in the July 11 Post about teachers at a Catholic Sunday school in the diocese of Arlington, Va., who had resigned rather than profess that they believed and would teach, what the Catholic Church believes and teaches…Pope John XXIII did open the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962 [to December 8, 1965]by appealing to history as the “teacher of life” and gently scolding the “prophets of gloom” who saw nothing but disaster in modernity….

“It is also true that elements of Rynne’s “good guy” faction then went more than a bit overboard, imagining Vatican II as a council of rupture with the past - a new starting point for the Church’s self-understanding and teaching, untethered to an authoritative tradition and taking its intellectual cues, … from the ambient public culture… some of Rynne’s good guys - including the present pope, [Benedict XVI], then a theological advisor to cardinal archbishop of Cologne - foresaw deep trouble and began to speak and write of Vatican II as a council that had to be understood in continuity with the past…

“The party of ultimate fungibility is dying in the Catholic Church… It has proven itself a pastoral failure in Europe…intellectually sterile throughout the developed world, where a younger generations of theologians is far more interested in exploring Catholic tradition than deconstructing it… This is not so much a matter of authority… it is a matter of doctrinal integrity, clear [Catholic] identity, and evangelical purpose… and form communities of decency and compassion in an increasingly hostile cultural environment…

George H. Kubeck-

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Salute to the Cristeros

A Salute to the Cristeros
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, July 20, 2012

We have excerpts of a superb article by Phyllis Schlafly for your consideration and study. It’s from the “Westminster Herald”, Ca., July 12, 2012, “Obama Censors the Declaration of Independence.”

“Shortly before we started hearing fireworks for this year’s Fourth of July, the movie “For Greater Glory” opened in local theatres. It is a compelling dramatization of the Mexican government’s persecution of Christians from 1926 to 1929, a bloody piece of history that has hitherto been ignored by historians and filmmakers.

“This wasn’t in some faraway Muslim country, it was in our next-door neighbor’s. It’s instructive for Americans, who have peacefully enjoyed religious liberty for more than two centuries, to realize the depth of hatred that some people have for religion in general and Christianity in particular.

“The movie is a worthy addition to the genre of successful religious firms that portray Christian heroes who died for their faith, such as “A Man For All Seasons” (Thomas More), “Becket” and “The Robe.”

“In 1926, Mexican President Plutarco Elias Calles brutally enforced laws to suppress religion. Soldiers on horseback broke into churches vandalized church property, killed priests and strung up dead bodies on posts to terrify the people.

“Government officials, an elite openly admiring Soviet Communism, were determined to destroy all visible evidences of religion, including the cross and other symbols, the wearing of traditional garments by Catholic priests and nuns, and religious processions. Soldiers could order anyone to repeat “Long live the federal government,” with death the punishment for refusal.

“Mexico’s Constitution required the schools to be active participants in the battle to secularize the country and to suppress religion. The Constitution stated: “Education services should be secular, and therefore, free from any religious orientation.”

“About 90,000 Mexicans died in the fighting that ensued as Christians, calling themselves Cristeros, resisted bravely. They got little or no help from the Vatican, but eventually, in 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized 25 Cristero saints and martyrs. The U.S. government apparently was interested only in protecting its oil interests.

“Our first reaction to the killings in this movie is “of course, this can’t happen here.” The bloody part may be improbable in the United States, but the contempt for religion here is already evident.

“It is not difficult to imagine the hateful words of the Mexican president being repeated in the U.S. by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), “Americans United for Separation of Church and State” and various other atheist litigators who are aggressively pushing supremacist judges to ban the Ten Commandments - our national motto - and crosses from schools and from every public place, even when their purpose is to honor servicemen who gave their lives on our behalf.

“Through speeches and regulations, President Obama is trying to eliminate all public references to religion, to force religious worship behind closed doors and to coerce religious institutions into financing drugs and procedures that violate religious faith. Obamacare will force Christian hospitals, colleges and schools to pay for abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations for their employees…”

George H. Kubeck, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Think about it on Nov. 6th.

Two Inspiring Spiritual Messages*

Two Inspiring Spiritual Messages*

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, July 20, 2012

“To faith belong the readiness to suffer but also the courage to do battle. Granted, we have no lack of people who tell us: Faith should be both protest and resistance against the power of this world. But if we look more closely, what such groups really want is, for the most part, an activator, a loudspeaker, for their slogans, for slogans of their party.

“But it is a totally different matter when the Church opposes the real powers of this age; when the Church condemns the disintegration of marriage, the destruction of the family, the killing of unborn children, the distortion of the Faith. [Today’s America!]

“Then, suddenly, a Jesus is held up to her who was apparently all mercy, who condoned everything and never harmed anyone. The saying was coined: “One cannot be a Christian at the cost of one’s humanity”, and people understood it primarily in reference to themselves. Being Christian may perhaps be a pleasant luxury, but it must not cost anything.

“The real Jesus was very different. Certainly he uttered words of great and healing mildness and compassion. But he also uttered these quite different words: “I have not to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt 10:34). He opposed the convenient lie, the easy-going injustice. He exalted the superiority of truth over that merely comfortable getting-along-together that leads ultimately to the power of injustice, to the dominion of the lie.

“For such words, which are written large and shining in history, which established the opposition of truth to the indolence and degradation of humanity, for such words Jesus went to the Cross: a Jesus who merely condoned would not have been crucified.”

*The above is from Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Ignatius, 1992, July 18th meditation.
“Sir,” they said, “give us that bread every day or our lives.” Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst. But you haven’t believed in me even thought you have seen me.

“However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do what I want. And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but I should raise them to eternal life at the last day.

“For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life - that I should raise them at the last day.”

*The above is from “The Best of the Bible,” 365 Must-Read Bible Passages, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois - 1996, July 18th meditation.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

America's Useful Idiots

America’s Useful Idiots

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Excerpts from the above article by Steve McCann in the American Thinker - July 17/12

“The term “useful idiot” more than ever applies to a vast swath of citizens in the United States who have been cynically used by the hardcore left for a cause they are unwilling to understand… Among the mysteries confronting those of us who have immigrated to the United States from countries that have experienced the devastating outcome of socialist/Marxist ideology is why seemingly successful and educated people could so easily swayed to support those whose end game it to transform the country into a socialist “utopia” and to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans…

“The answer appears to be that despite the hardcore left accounting for less than 20% of the population, their influence extends far beyond thanks to the apparent inability of their peripheral supporters to use any modicum of reasoning - as the left in the United States has been able to identify and manipulate those susceptible to emotional arguments…

“The siren song of a society wherein all are treated fairly and there are no absolutes found eager ears. In short order, the left began to portray their political adversaries as intolerant religious zealots whose primary objective was to deny personal freedom and cast a beady eye toward whatever was happening in the bedroom. An unfettered lifestyle as well as being part of the in-crowd is of paramount importance to not only the vast majority of those in the entertainment and media arena, but also many in the general population…

“The left now had a virtual stranglehold on the self-centered, whose personal pleasure and egocentrism were the primary driving forces in their lives… The passage of Obamacare is not a health care plan; rather, it is a blueprint to allow the government to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans, and under the guise of budgetary expediency, the bureaucrats in Washington can and eventually will declare any behavior they choose unacceptable…

“One of the most consistent supporters of the Democratic Party is the Jewish population… However, this is the party now dominated and controlled by hardcore leftists, many … are virulently anti-Semitic & opposed to the state of Israel. A hallmark of all socialist/Marxist regimes is discrimination & persecution of minorities, particularly Jews…

“Barack Obama would not be occupying the Oval Office it were not for the people over the past sixty years who have blindly supported those who have lied to them… “the end justifies the means” - thus, no lie is too big to tell, no promise too outrageous to promote, and no tactic out of bounds… conducts a demagogic campaign based solely on emotional appeals to that part of the population its operatives consider “useful idiots.”…

“Therefore, while still using the class-warfare dialog to keep the lower classes stirred up, the left has, beginning in the 1930’s but accelerating in the 1960’s, combined class warfare with the promotion of guilt for one’s success and falsely portraying their ideological enemies as being intolerant extremists whose single-minded determination is to limit and control everyone’s lifestyle, and who are at their core virulent racists. YET LEFTISTS ARE JUST WHAT THEY ACCUSE THEIR OPPONENTS OF BEING. …

“The Obama administration represents the culmination of this process, as leftists have, through an avalanche of mandates, regulations, and laws, began weaving a suffocating web around the American free market, as they assume complete control of the economy…”

George H. Kubeck, We have a secular leftist religion which we must cope head-on with the CINOP.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Catholics for the Common Good*

Catholics for the Common Good*
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
March 19, 2012 - Feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary
This letter is also addressed to you.

Dear G. and M.,
What are the hidden consequences of redefining marriage to accommodate same sex couples that proponents don’t want you to know?

What are the consequences when school curriculum teaches that mothers and fathers are inconsequential and that alternative families, in which children are intentionally deprived of their mother or father, are good for society? What impact will this have on our children’s future decisions about marriage and family?

When civil marriage is defined as between a man and woman, the law recognizes a public institution that unites kids their moms and dads.

When marriage is redefined as merely the public recognition of a committed relationship for adults, in order to accommodate same sex couples, there is no longer any such institution. It is as simple as that.

Inherent in the position of advocates for redefining marriage, whether intentional or not, is the presumption that there is no public interest in having any institution that unites kids with their natural moms and dads. That is absurd, and when pointed out, the people will readily agree it is an indefensible position. Proponents of redefining marriage must be held accountable, but that won’t happen until the real consequences of marriage are broadly exposed.

That is why I urgently need your help and that of others who are tired of being on the defense and are ready to participate in a movement to take back marriage and family. Please consider making a sacrificial Lenten gift to Stand with Children, a project for the evangelization of culture for marriage and family. ITS TIME TO GO ON THE OFFENSE.

If we have learned one thing, it is that merely defending marriage seems to be a losing proposition. We have seen marriage fall over the last year in New York. , Maryland, and Washington - adding to five states and District of Columbia where it had already been redefined. A loss in New Jersey was only averted through a governor’s veto. Presently, marriage is in jeopardy because of legislative or legal action in California, Illinois, and Hawaii. The Defense of Marriage Act is being threatened by more than 9 pending crt. challenges with AN ADMINISTRATION UNWILLING TO DEFEND IT.

Rather, the volunteer leaders of the Stand with Children project insist that laws and school curriculum must promote men and women marrying before having children. This forces gay rights’ advocates to justify their position of promoting families in which children are deprived of a mother or father or both, and their opposition to any institution that unites kids with their moms and dads.

Surprisingly, scholars from across the political spectrum, from liberals at the Brookings Institute to conservatives at the Heritage Foundation agree: there is a role for government to promote men and women marrying before having children. However, where marriage has been redefined, it is illegal to do that. *************** CONSEQUENCES OF MARRIAGE BREAKDOWN ***************

Congressman Dan Lungren, recently remarked, … that one thing common to every gang member is a fatherless home… one factor common to most women in crisis pregnancies is a fatherless home…

George H. Kubeck, *Bill May, President, Catholics for the Common Good, P.O. Box 320038, San Francisco, Ca. 94132, bill.may@ccgaction.org - (415) 651-4171 - (415) 738-0421 Fax

A Salute to the 405/605 Tea Party Patriots*

A Salute to the 405/605 Tea Party Patriots*

In pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
It’s the best T.P. in Southern California. All Americans are proud of what their associated Tea Party Patriots did in the 2010 elections outside of this state. One day when California awakes from its intellectual, moral and financial bankruptcy, state leadership will come from Tea Party members and supporters. Thanks to the organizers of this event.

The theme of this great festive event was “What America Means to Me.” They met this past Wednesday, July 11th at Leisure World, Seal Beach, California. I took notes.

What a great enjoyable patriotic band we were privileged to listen to from 6:35 to about 7:20 pm. It was historic & patriotic music. There was Dr. Gary Thomas Scott and his Civil War Band. It is called the Band of the California Battalion in Long Beach, California.

The band leader gave us some history of the music behind “Dixie” - “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again” - “John Brown’s Body” - Battle Hymn of the Republic” etc. We appreciated the music even more.

In the pledge of allegiance, I interjected three words. “Born and Unborn.” Opening Prayer: Grace and loving God. We thank you for blessing us. Defend our freedom when we are threatened…” One Nation under God. Closing prayer was singing God Bless America.

“Abraham Lincoln was present. He gave us some interesting background to the Gettysburg Address. One speaker before him spoke for two hours. It seems that General Lee was heading for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (North of Washington, D.C.) There was a factory there that made shoes. The South desperately needed shoes. They were walking on anything but shoes.

General Mead had 90,000 soldiers and General Lee had 70,000. The battle occurred in a 3 by 5 square miles area. The bloodshed was 3 days in a hot humid summer. There were 50,000 casualties; 2000 horses killed and in the retreat the South had to abandon 7,000 of their wounded. Many husbands and sons did not return home. It was for freedom & to preserve the union. Then Lincoln read the two minute inspiring Gettysburg Address.

Speaker # 1: Jonathan Murietta - Valedictorian at Wilson High School in Long Beach, Ca.
“What America Means to Me” We are one nation under God… No to the Anointed One … a nation of freedom … proud to be an American… role of government is to protect our Constitutional Rights or not take away my Bible… our Founding Fathers guaranteed … government becoming too powerful… protect our freedom to worship.

Speak # 2: Linda Paine - Introduction: She is very active in fighting voter fraud via Election Integrity Project. She has home schooled her children. Founded the Santa Clarita Tea Party. Fights the destructive influence of progressivism… Linda said honor to be here. She observed the polls in 2010. We need to win by 10% in order to win. Obvious Fraud:

1) Alleged in San Diego 2010 - 45 people arrive at polls by bus - voting 4 to 5 times at each poll.
2) The keeper of the gate can’t be trusted. Need more volunteers to help the 1,000. We have 28 teams.

3) L.A. County has 7 languages. You can purchase statewide data with the 4.5 million voters.
4) Thousand of voters have duplicate registration. [The integrity of voting is precious.]

George H. Kubeck -* www.teaparty405-605.org - www.facebook.com/405605patriots
P.S. I was able to pass out about 50 copies of Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson's Address to the National Catholic Breakfast on April 19th, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Black Pastors Group: Pride Has Turned to Shame

Black Pastors Group: Pride Has Turned to Shame
In pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Sunday, July 15, 2012

Newsmax: By: Todd Beamon, Friday, July 6, 2012- [It’s a Black American Tragedy for the black pastors were talking about President Barack Hussein Obama.]

“A coalition of African-American pastors is calling on blacks to boycott Barack Obama and sign a petition demanding that the administration withdraw support for gay marriage.

“The group, the 1,300-member Coalition of African-American Pastors, says it was snubbed by Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder when it demanded a meeting to discuss same-sex unions. The group had requested the meeting last month.

“By embracing gay marriage, President Obama is leading the country down an immoral path,” Rev. William Owens, president of the Memphis-based coalition, said Friday, The Washington Examiner reports. “Some things are bigger than the next election.”

“The pastors are angered with Obama’s recent endorsement of gay marriage. But the President has not suggested that he would back federal legislation permitting same-sex marriage.

“The coalition supports African-American pastors who believe marriage should be between a man and woman.

“The black church has always been the conscience of America, we are calling on black pastors and black Christians to withhold support from President Obama until he corrects course,” Owens said.

“His group also started a petition, 100000signatures4-marriage.com. “We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame.” Owens said.”

George H. Kubeck, How can anyone in their right mind believe in fake-marriage?* That the relationship between a man and woman with the possibility of children is the same as the sexual relationship between two men or two women. If you believe otherwise you are called a bigot and a homophobe by this administration. Unbelievable! Political correctness wants to change the 5,000 year old definition of marriage which is only between one man and one women.

Marriage is a foundational pillar of our nation, our family and our Christian faith. Are we Americans or are we Europeans? We are faced with elites that have lost faith in and are betraying American values. We have internal subversion. The administration is against the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Same-sex marriage America is not America anymore.

Most black Americans are not really informed. It’s our job also to help the black pastors inform them and All Americans.

*Well, it is possible! Many Catholics vote for the fake-CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only politician).

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Two Cents with Hugh Hewitt on Talk Radio

My Two Cents with Hugh Hewitt on Talk Radio
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Hugh is on from 3-6 pm on KLAC 870 Talk Radio in Southern California. U.S.A.

It was for first time callers. The topic had to do with Justice Roberts’ Supreme Court Decision. I waited less than 15 minutes. It was after 3:30 pm on Thursday, July 5th. I jotted down the 5 cents on my mind.

Cent # 1 - Justice Roberts was definitely a conservative/liberal activist on the Obamacare decision. He did it for the sake of the Supreme Court.

Cent# 2 - He was influenced by the 2-faced-double-standard- Obama loving MEDIA. They do the talking points in this election cycle.

Cent # 3 - This media would have smeared the Supreme Court to death. It would have become a major election issue. Justice Roberts avoided this. It would have been the talking point of this presidential election. [WHAT FRIGHTENED ME AND POSSSIBLY JUSTICE ROBERTS IS THAT OBAMA AND HIS MEDIA WERE PREPARED TO DESTROY THE SUPREME COURT AS AN AMERICAN INSTITUTION IN ORDER TO RE-ELECT OBAMA!]

Cent # 4 - This decision will help the Republicans and Romney. It is now an education on the importance of the Constitution. [With the power of Congress to tax even a bad law can be constitutional. It is up to the people when they vote to make the correction.]

Cent # 5 - On the Supreme Court Justice Roberts will vote with the majority to repeal the HHS Mandate. [The Supreme Court will do this in spite of our nation’s tragedy, if they re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.]

George H. Kubeck, Obama’s media is dangerous and destructive. They are not interested in the truth. They can influence up to 5 to 10% of the voters. It is an absolute necessity for all pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family supporters to listen to talk radio and to call in particularly during this Presidential election time. You may not like Dennis Prager, Michael Medved or Rush at first. But Rush figuratively undresses the progressive and liberal mind and heart that they hate his guts.

Alinsky/Obama/H.Clinton Network

Alinsky/Obama/H. Clinton Network

The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 14, 2012

Preface: Presidential elections have serious consequences. This election is about truth which is our most powerful weapon. It is also about character, trust and the mindset of the President. In like manner the same can be said about the CINOP. This is our sixth year in figuratively undressing the mind and heart of the Catholic-in-name-only politician. In all honesty, we don’t like what we see and we also cannot vote for him or her. That is the reality of a Christian perspective in today’s America.

David Horowitz wrote this fascinating 52 page small booklet ($3.00) on Barack Obama’s “Rules for Revolution” - The Alinksy Model - Here are excerpts from 6 Topics.

Barack Obama’s Rules: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” on election eve, 2008

Barack Obama is an enigma. He won the 2008 presidential election claiming to be a moderate and wanting to bring Americans together and govern from the center. But since he took office, his actions have been far from moderate. He has apologized to foreign dictators abroad for sins he alleges his own country committed and appointed a self-describe communist (Van Jones) and an admirer of Mao Zedong to top White House posts.
He has use the economic crisis to take over whole  industries and has attempted to nationalize the health care system. In his first nine months in office, these actions have already made his presidency the most polarizing in history…

Alinsky and Obama:
Saul Alinsky was born in Chicago in 1909 and died in California in 1972. His preferred description was “rebel” and his entire life was devoted to organizing a revolution in America to destroy a system he regarded as oppressed and unjust. By profession he was a “community organizer,” the same term employed by … Barack Obama, to describe himself… Hillary Rodham Clinton submitted her 92-page thesis on Alinsky’s theories (she interviewed him personally for the project.) In her conclusion Hillary compared Alinsky to Eugene Debs, W. Whitman & M.L. King…

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
Alinsky is the Sun-Tzu for today’s radicals, his book is a manual for their political war. As early a its dedicatory page. Alinsky provides revealing insight into the radical mind by praising LUCIFER as the first rebel: “Lest we forget, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history … the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he won his own kingdom - LUCIFER.”

The Alinsky Strategy: Boring From Within:
Conservatives think of war as a metaphor when applied to politics. For radicals the war is real. That is why when partisans of the left go into battle, they set out to destroy their opponents by stigmatizing them as “racists,” “sexists,” “Islamophobes, and “homophobes.” Deception for them is a military tactic in a war… to eliminate the enemy…

Revolutionary War:
The first chapter of Alinksy’s manual is called “The Purpose” and is designed to lay out the radical goal. Its epigraph is taken from the Book of Job: “The life of man upon earth is a warfare…”

Revolutionary Means and Ends:
Sanford Horwitt prefaces his biography of Alinksy, Let Them Call Me Rebel, with an anecdote, he felt illuminated Alinsky’s method… This vignette tells you everything you really need to know about Alinsky’s ethics and his attitude towards means and ends. Lenin once said that the purpose of a political argument is not to refute your opponent “… wipe him from the face of earth…

George H. Kubeck - Tel. (800) 752-6562, D. Horowitz Freedom Center for this booklet.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Wise Bishop

The Wise Bishop

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, July 12, 2012

Preface: Historically and today, a wise U.S. Catholic bishop is surrounded and influenced by pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family advocates. If not, here are two examples of what happened last year, and decades ago.
1) Vatican Rules in Father Pavone’s Favor in Ministry Dispute: LifeNews.com 7/2/12

2) How Obama Came to Chicago… by Reyes Flores, Wanderer, March 22, 2012

“CHICAGO - Last week we left off discussing Jerry Kellman, who, I wrote, was given unfettered access to Chicago’s Catholic churches by the bishops to guide them and lead them to the appropriate pastoral responses in addressing a myriad of social injustice, some real, some perceived, most concocted.

“Kellman was the guy who posted an ad in The New York Times seeking a organizer for his Calumet Community Religious Conference. This is the ad that brought Barack Hussein Obama to Chicago.

Kellman himself came from New Jersey because the newly formed United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) needed an organizer. UNO is now a powerful Chicago entity that acts as a strong arm of the Democrat Party and has taken over many former Catholic schools…

“Still worse than all of this shows us the ties that bind the now-sorry Catholic bishops’ long history of liberalism and Obama’s current attack on Catholics.

“Let’s examine this community organizing phenomena a little closer. Saul Alinsky always said that one must go to the people, not ask but tell them what their problems are, and cause a reaction. It’s equivalent to the games sometimes children play when they egg on one kid to pick a fight with another kid.

“Even if the poor person living in a ghetto or barrio seems to accepting of his lot in life, the community organizer is there to tell him that his conditions are the fault of someone or some institution. Never mind teaching personal responsibility to people. The street agitator’s job is to sell the idea of victim hood.

“The community organization already has a target in the crosshairs and then it’s the organizers job to get the people’s blood boiling, get mad as hell, and to and “sic’em.” The organizer sees the person as not much more than a dog or a useful idiot which he or she can command at will to do his dirty work. The organizer will call this “leadership development” or “empowering” the individual.

“Who made the community organizer such a powerful entity to have the ability to “empower” others? Oh, that’s right … the liberal clergy and laity in the Catholic Church.

“Funded through the Church’s Campaign for Human Development, Obama’s job was the typical community organizer’s job. Go out and agitate people about their conditions, use them, at the end of the day, the only winners are the community organizations and the political cronies who benefit by voter registration drives that are really blatant canvassing efforts in favor of liberal politicians.

“The people “organized” are nothing more than pawns for the political self-interest of the community organizers, their organizations, and their cronies. I refer to this as poverty pimping. The community organizations knowingly perpetuate the perceived need for them to be there as the “problem-solvers.”

“I will note that in 99% of communities with community organizations in them, the communities rarely improve and oftentimes become even worse. I have said it a thousand times.”…

George H. Kubeck, The above explains how the Catholic Church was conned into contributing more than 10 million dollars to Obama’s ACORN in the past. None today!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Highlights of S.K. Carl A. Anderson's Address # 2

Highlights of S.K. Carl A. Anderson’s Address - #2

“14 Highlights from the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Carl A. Anderson’s Address at the National Catholic Breakfast on April 19th, 2012 in Washington, D.C.”

#8) Similarly, the HHS mandate allows only the narrowest exemption for religious institutions. The exemption exists only for institutions that, among other things, hire and serve only members of their own faith … Christians are called to reach beyond their own denominations in teaching, “all nations,” considering everyone their “neighbor,” and doing “good to those who hate you” them… In its HHS mandate, the Administration insists on an exemption so narrow that organizations can qualify only by violating the teachings of their church. …

#9) A government willing to affect the faith and mission of the church is a government willing to change the identity of the church. And what can we expect in the future?

The National Right to Life Committee makes a compelling case that the Obama Administration’s “accommodation” for the HHS mandate - if accepted - paves the way for mandated coverage of “abortion on demand.”

#10) Healthcare workers now face the choice of holding onto either their religious beliefs or their jobs. In other words, if the health care institution provides services contrary to Catholic moral teaching, Catholic doctors and nurses need not apply. And so, we see a new government intolerance of religion.

#11) Perhaps this is why Cardinal Francis George has referred to the Obama Administration as “the most secularist administration I think we have ever had in this country.: During his visit to Washington Pope Benedict XVI reminded us that: “Christians are easily tempted to conform themselves to the spirit of this age.” The spirit of the age is profoundly secular. And secularism accepts religion … only on its own terms.

#12) And it is precisely this subordination of religion to the state that the First Amendment seeks to prevent. Let us be clear: we value religious liberty not only6 because it protects our personal autonomy. We value religious liberty because of the good which religion brings into the life of the individual believer and into the life of our nation.

#13) How appropriate then that our bishops have called upon us to take up a great fortnight of prayer for religious freedom from the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More to July 4th.

During the current HHS controversy some have asked, “What kind of Christians would impose such a government mandate on our religious institutions? In December, 1941, with Britain in mortal peril and America reeling after Pearl Harbor, Winston Churchill addressed the United States Congress. In that worst of times, he scorned the enemies of freedom and defiantly asked, “What kind of people do they think we are!” Today, with the same defiance, we can declare, “What kind of Catholics do they think we are!”

#14) Earlier this month [of April) we observed the anniversary of the death of Blessed John Paul II. … recall his words at the beginning of his great pontificate: “Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ.” … John Paul II often spoke of “a new springtime” of the gospel… he might have spoken of a Great Awakening in America. One in which Catholics could play a greater role than ever before… So this is a time for choosing - choosing whether as Catholics we will stand together to keep open the doors of religious liberty… Thank you very much.

“A Public Service Meet Your Neighbor Info by the blogger ‘cinops be gone’ - Wed., July 11, 2012”

Highlights of S.K. Carl A. Anderson's Address

Highlights of S.K. Carl A. Anderson’s Address

14 Highlights from the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Carl A. Anderson’s Address at the National Catholic Breakfast on April 19th, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

#1) We must remind our fellow Americans, and especially those who exercise power, that religious liberty - the freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment - has been essential to the founding, development, and improvement of the American Republic.
Before there was an American Revolution, there was what historians call the First Great Awakening, which swept through the colonies and transformed their outlook.
The Second Great Awakening led to the abolition of slavery, as well as the other great reform movements of the 19th century.
The Third wave of religious energy led to reforms in education, labor, & women’s rights.

#2) Alex de Tocqueville observed the profound connection between religion and liberty in our national life. “Religion does not give [Americans] their taste for freedom, he said. “It singularly facilitates their use of it.” We may ask: Is this historical connection between Christianity and liberty an accident of history or is it something fundamental?

#3) Our Founders answered that question unequivocally. The declared we are “endowed” by our “Creator” with inalienable rights. Washington’s Farewell Address insisted that religion and morality are “indispensable supports of our political prosperity,” warning that “reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can be retained without religion…

#4) Perhaps most notably in 1961 when President Kennedy, in his Inaugural Address, spoke of the rights for which our “forbears fought,” namely “belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” According to a poll we conducted for the 50th anniversary of that speech, 85 percent of Americans still agree with Kennedy’s statement.

#5) No one here needs to be reminded that this belief was the driving force behind the life’s work of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. In his historic letter from the Birmingham jail, Rev. King said that he and his followers “were in reality standing up for what is best in the American dream and for the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage. Thereby bringing our nation back to those great wells of democracy which,” he said, “we’re dug deep by the founding fathers in their formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.” … be reminded that King’s letter relied upon our own Catholic natural law tradition. He cited St. Augustine that “”an unjust law is no law at all.”

#6) In 1954, the Knights of Columbus was instrumental in having Congress place the words “under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance. Those words were place in our pledge in part to mark a stark contrast between the ultimate source of our rights and pretensions o the atheist totalitarian dictatorships of the 20th century.

#7) Yet today we find a new hostility to the role of religious institutions in American life at a time when government is expanding its reach in extraordinary ways. And it is not only because of the Obama Administration’s HHS contraception mandate… Arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court in Hosanna-Tabor versus EEOC last year, the Administration sought unprecedented limits on the autonomy of churches and religious institutions… The Supreme Court unanimously disagreed… [This was a 9-0 vote.]

A Public Service Meet Your Neighbor Info by the blogger ‘cinops be gone’ - Wed., July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Slow Death for America
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

(A Letter to the Editor by Mike McCoy in the Orange County Register, Ca., Sun., 8-8-12)

Speaking at a rally shortly before taking his office, President Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America.” Obama walked with a swagger and spoke with a powerful confidence that attracted many of us into believing that he would, indeed, turn this country around. He filled us with promises of “hope and change” and had us eating out of his hand with his great sense of humor. What a guy.

However, a clue to what his “fundamental change” meant was given to an earlier campaign stop. It was a simple, yet profound, question asked by a man named Joe. You know, the plumber guy.

Joe told Obama that he was starting a business and asked, “Why are you going to raise my taxes?” Obama explained his plan for the country by telling Joe, “We just need to spread the wealth around.”

Obama’s people have tried to divert attention away from the question and put Joe in a negative light by saying, “Hey, the guy is not even a licensed plumber.” That absurd answer should have sounded a warning siren about the character of those who would soon govern our country, but Obama’s followers fell for it and blindly followed by saying. “Yeah, the guy is not even a licensed plumber!” The mudsling, truth-twisting, attention-diverting tactics by Obama’s followers were off and running.

So now near the end of Obama’s first term, and I’ve never seen this country so divided and such a mess. The fact that our huge national debt gets bigger every day should frighten every American who can do basic math. It sickens me that anyone is called “racist” who criticizes Obama or believes that American citizens’ rights should come before those who sneak across the border. I can’t trust our truth-twisting national media anymore.

So how long does it take to see that this administration’s policies simply aren’t working? The liberal philosophy has proven not to be the best way to run a state or country. You don’t need to look at Greece. Just look at California. Our state has been run by Democrats for 40 of the last 42 years and look we are at the bottom of almost every category in the country.

We have higher unemployment than 47 other states. Yet, the Democratic Party says they are the “party of the working man.” Maybe all you unemployed “working men” should pay more attention to what the Democratic Party has really done for you.

What this country’s economy needs are hardworking people to become “achievers.” They are the ones who create employment for others - you know, the “nonachievers.”

Given the way our democracy works, this is what scares me: When “nonachievers” outnumber the “achievers” our country will then be, as Obama promised “fundamentally changed.” The “nonachievers” can then vote to take even more money our of the pockets of the “achievers,” who, ironically, are the very people who hire “nonachievers.” It’s a recipe for even higher unemployment and the slow death of America. Folks in Nov. we need to change course.

George H. Kubeck, Down with Obama and the CINO Politicians Congresswomen Loretta & Linda Sanchez.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Attacks on the Catholic Church

Attacks on the Catholic Church

There is great concern that the Catholic Church has been attacked by President Obama, who has ordered that Catholic Schools and Catholic Universities teach the right to abortion and the right to Gay Marriage; he also has ordered that Catholic Hospitals have to perform abortions and euthanasia, threatening to close them if they do not comply.

Back in 1776, when George Washington declared Independence from England, he said that in order to have peace, love and justice in our country, we needed to include the following three things in our laws: God’s 10 Commandments, the philosophy of the Greeks, and Roman law.

1 - God’s 10 Commandments, in which abide all wisdom, knowledge, and infinite goodness, are meant for us to live our lives in peace and justice with love in everything we do.

2 - Philosophy is the love of wisdom, and Greek philosophers discussed issues in the Public Square so that groups who had different points of view on issues being considered would understand the wisdom and adjust their beliefs to fit into the law being considered, respecting that wisdom.

3 - Roman law had the Senate legislate the laws, the Emperor to execute the laws, and the judges to only judge those who were accused of breaking a law. Today we have politicized the appointing of judges to fit into what the President wants, so judges to be appointed are chosen from those who are pro-abortion.

George Washington included the First Amendment as the Separation of Church and State. He made it clear in a letter that it was meant to keep Government out of Religion, and not Religion out of Government. He wanted to make sure we did not follow Henry VIII’s killing of 26 Bishops and 122 priests, so as to enforce his mandate that he was to be the head of the Church in England. So when the President Obama’s Government orders the Catholic schools, Catholic Universities to teach the right to abortion and gay marriage, and Catholic hospitals to perform abortions and euthanasia, he is going against the Separation of Church State.

The Bible says “Do not kill the innocent, do not kill the defenseless, for it is an abomination to Me.” A baby in the womb is both innocent and defenseless, and so is an elderly person who is suffering an illness. The Bible also says that His seed is life, His seed is holy, and that we should not waste His seed.

The Bible is God’s Word, and what the Church teaches is that we must follow God’s Word. The Catholic Church is against abortion, because it is the killing of an innocent person in the womb. Chemical abortions take place within the first three days of the sexual relations by preventing the attachment of the fertilized cell to the uterus. At the moment of conception, God infuses a soul into that one cell and at that moment it becomes a person in the process of development.

The Bible also teaches that sexual relations are to be open to procreation, and for that reason contraceptives are forbidden, so as not to waste God’s seed. The Bible also says that marriage is to be only between a man and a woman for procreation; and it also says that a man shall not lie with another man. The Church is not anti gay; two men or two women may live together, but they are not to have sexual relations.

Our hope is that the new President will follow what George Washington proposed for our country when he Declared Independence, the Separation of Church and State, and allow Catholic Schools, Catholic Universities and Catholic Hospitals to teach and follow God’s Word through religious freedom.       Authored by anonymous - 7-9-12

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Messages for Pro-Life, Marriage and Family

Messages for Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, July 8th, 2012

“Lord Jesus, you are the rising Sun, the first fruits of the future resurrection, - grant that we may not sit in the shadow of death but walk in the light of life.” Liturgy of the Hours

“For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good words from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil words from an evil heart. And I tell you this, that you must give an account on judgment day of every idle word you speak.”

1.) Mother Teresa said it. We have to do it on our own. We cannot wait for leaders. Our so-called lay leaders seem to be afraid and intimidated. There is a war being waged against us. It is also a spiritual battle and it is about good and evil. Most progressive and liberal secularists are misguided and uniformed about the fundamental principles that have made America great. Who we are.

2.) From The American Spectator, July/August 2012 - Will You Marry Me? by E.J. Graff

“In Maine, advocates [same-sex marriage] have trained thousands of volunteers, and sent them out to have conversations with likely voters, in person and by phone, about what marriage means and why same-sex couples belong. They’re engaging skeptics head-on. They are telling stories about real lesbians’ and gays’ love and commitment.

Working state by state is not just how you alter the law; it’s how you transform the country, creating meaningful change from the inside, instead of merely altering the law… It will also speed up the steady public opinion shift toward equality. Less than a decade ago, how many states performed same-sex marriage? Zero. Today, six states and the District of Columbia do. Nine others offer civil unions or domestic partnership,.. [and that is where it ought to remain. ghk]”

3,) We work with the Holy Spirit; Bishop Fulton Sheen is now Venerable Fulton Sheen. Also pray for the intercession of Blessed John Paul. He did it in Poland against communism. We do it in America.

4.) We have a lot of walking and telephoning to do before the presidential election and after the election. We change a negative into a positive. America will not be America anymore with same-sex marriage nationally legalized. Also, bring this matter to the Supreme Court.

5.) It seems we are living in a TWILIGHT ZONE where political correctness is the national secular religion. We fight this national secular religion. It is unconstitutional. It is against the 1st Amendment.

6.)Our Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they learn that the Obama government calls us bigots and homophobes because we believe that marriage is solely between a man and woman. Can you imagine also changing the definition of adultery, fornication and pornography?

7.) Natural law and common sense are not fake. [It is hard to stay away from the CINOP who is a fake.] It is great to have feelings; but not to rule our lives. Marriage is the foundation pillar of our country. Relativism is a destructive principle. Secularists will rewrite the 10 commandments.

8.) Our nation is 50% pro-life and 41% pro-choice. This is in spite of and thanks to the President Obama regime which just loves Planned Parenthood and Same-Sex Marriage etc.

9.) Many of us read the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. Let’s recall our great nation at that time. One-third of the country was neutral in this War for Independence. One-third were for King George and our now King Obamacare. One-third were for Independence. We are part of that one-third. We need to fight, teach and persuade the other two-thirds of our nation.

10.) Pray for an honest election; not a manufactured war with Iran or another financial crisis to persuade the country to reelect President Obama. Also, pray that Home Depot and Starbucks Coffee will stop promoting and supporting same-sex marriage. There are many other stores to shop at…

George H. Kubeck, Please support Priests for Life, and the many other pro-family organizations.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Magazine 'National Catholic Reporter" is a Fraud

Magazine ‘National Catholic Reporter’ is a Fraud

The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 7, 2012

Two poignant articles from the Catalyst, May 2012, Journal of the Catholic League For Religious and Civil Rights, 450 Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10123 - 212-371-3191

1.) “It’s official: the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) rejects Church teachings. A recent editorial, “NCR Endorses Call for a New Sexual Ethic,” supported retired Australian Bishop Geoffrey Robinson’s plea for the Church to change its teachings on sexuality.

“Bishop Robinson wrote a book a few years ago called Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church. Here is what the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference said about it in 2010: “Catholics believe that the Church, founded by Christ, is endowed by him with a teaching office which endures through time. This is why the Church’s Magisterium teaches the truth authoritatively in the name of Christ. The book casts doubt upon these teachings. This leads in turn to the questioning of Catholic teaching on, among other things, the nature of Tradition, the inspiration of the Holy Scripture, the infallibility of the Pope, the authority of the Creeds, the nature of the ministerial priesthood and central elements of the Church’s moral teachings.”

“Ten years ago, Bill Donohue said on “Hardball” that neither NCR writer Tom Roberts (Now NCR’s editor-at-large), nor his paper, “believe in anything the Catholic Church says on sexuality” (Roberts was on the show with him). As Donohue went on, guest host Mike Barnicle jumped in, saying, “Wait, Bill, please. Tom, take it up. I mean, you just got whacked across the face.” Roberts replies, “I’m not going to take that up.”

“Need further proof? The March 30-April 12 edition of NCR had a full-page ad by the pro-abortion anti-Catholic group, Catholics for Choice (CFC). It wouldn’t accept a dime from a racist group (nor should it), but it had no problem cashing a check from CFC. It’s time the newspaper changed its name to National Reporter.”

2.) “MISERABLE CATHOLICS: … A radical atheist organization took out a vicious full-page ad in the New York Times ripping Catholicism, and professed Catholics agreed with it. The ad, QUIT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH,” was paid for by the Freedom From Religious Foundation; it ran on Mar. 9.

“The ad blamed the Catholic Church for promoting “acute misery, poverty, needless suffering, unwanted pregnancies, overpopulation, social evils and deaths.” It accused the bishops of launching a ruthless political inquisition” against women, and said “preying priests” and corruption extend “all the way to the top.” It had a special message for Catholic women: “Apparently, you’re like the battered women who, after being beaten down every Sunday, feels she has no place to go.”

“Many comments of the ad that were posted on the websites of liberal Catholic media outlets agreed with the ad. AMERICA, COMMONWEAL AND THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER RAN SEVERAL STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT. Some wondered why anyone would object. For example, Gerelyn at Commonweal questioned. “Is there something in the ad that is untrue?” Similarly, Dale Sith at the National Catholic Reporter said, “By the way, there was nothing in the Freedom From Religion’s Times ad that wasn’t true.

“Some who could not bring themselves to condemn the ad teach at Catholic colleges. Tom Beaudoin teaches theology to graduate students at Fordham… recorded his sage observations in the blog section of America “Whatever one thinks of this ad, it seems to mark a particular moment in the unfolding history of the Catholic Church in the United States.” … Beaudoin believes we deserve it. ‘What would make such a moment possible’. I [Bill Donohue] have clue for him - radical secularism.”

George H. Kubeck