Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Salute to the 405/605 Tea Party Patriots*

A Salute to the 405/605 Tea Party Patriots*

In pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
It’s the best T.P. in Southern California. All Americans are proud of what their associated Tea Party Patriots did in the 2010 elections outside of this state. One day when California awakes from its intellectual, moral and financial bankruptcy, state leadership will come from Tea Party members and supporters. Thanks to the organizers of this event.

The theme of this great festive event was “What America Means to Me.” They met this past Wednesday, July 11th at Leisure World, Seal Beach, California. I took notes.

What a great enjoyable patriotic band we were privileged to listen to from 6:35 to about 7:20 pm. It was historic & patriotic music. There was Dr. Gary Thomas Scott and his Civil War Band. It is called the Band of the California Battalion in Long Beach, California.

The band leader gave us some history of the music behind “Dixie” - “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again” - “John Brown’s Body” - Battle Hymn of the Republic” etc. We appreciated the music even more.

In the pledge of allegiance, I interjected three words. “Born and Unborn.” Opening Prayer: Grace and loving God. We thank you for blessing us. Defend our freedom when we are threatened…” One Nation under God. Closing prayer was singing God Bless America.

“Abraham Lincoln was present. He gave us some interesting background to the Gettysburg Address. One speaker before him spoke for two hours. It seems that General Lee was heading for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (North of Washington, D.C.) There was a factory there that made shoes. The South desperately needed shoes. They were walking on anything but shoes.

General Mead had 90,000 soldiers and General Lee had 70,000. The battle occurred in a 3 by 5 square miles area. The bloodshed was 3 days in a hot humid summer. There were 50,000 casualties; 2000 horses killed and in the retreat the South had to abandon 7,000 of their wounded. Many husbands and sons did not return home. It was for freedom & to preserve the union. Then Lincoln read the two minute inspiring Gettysburg Address.

Speaker # 1: Jonathan Murietta - Valedictorian at Wilson High School in Long Beach, Ca.
“What America Means to Me” We are one nation under God… No to the Anointed One … a nation of freedom … proud to be an American… role of government is to protect our Constitutional Rights or not take away my Bible… our Founding Fathers guaranteed … government becoming too powerful… protect our freedom to worship.

Speak # 2: Linda Paine - Introduction: She is very active in fighting voter fraud via Election Integrity Project. She has home schooled her children. Founded the Santa Clarita Tea Party. Fights the destructive influence of progressivism… Linda said honor to be here. She observed the polls in 2010. We need to win by 10% in order to win. Obvious Fraud:

1) Alleged in San Diego 2010 - 45 people arrive at polls by bus - voting 4 to 5 times at each poll.
2) The keeper of the gate can’t be trusted. Need more volunteers to help the 1,000. We have 28 teams.

3) L.A. County has 7 languages. You can purchase statewide data with the 4.5 million voters.
4) Thousand of voters have duplicate registration. [The integrity of voting is precious.]

George H. Kubeck -* www.teaparty405-605.org - www.facebook.com/405605patriots
P.S. I was able to pass out about 50 copies of Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson's Address to the National Catholic Breakfast on April 19th, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

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