Sunday, July 8, 2012

Messages for Pro-Life, Marriage and Family

Messages for Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, July 8th, 2012

“Lord Jesus, you are the rising Sun, the first fruits of the future resurrection, - grant that we may not sit in the shadow of death but walk in the light of life.” Liturgy of the Hours

“For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good words from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil words from an evil heart. And I tell you this, that you must give an account on judgment day of every idle word you speak.”

1.) Mother Teresa said it. We have to do it on our own. We cannot wait for leaders. Our so-called lay leaders seem to be afraid and intimidated. There is a war being waged against us. It is also a spiritual battle and it is about good and evil. Most progressive and liberal secularists are misguided and uniformed about the fundamental principles that have made America great. Who we are.

2.) From The American Spectator, July/August 2012 - Will You Marry Me? by E.J. Graff

“In Maine, advocates [same-sex marriage] have trained thousands of volunteers, and sent them out to have conversations with likely voters, in person and by phone, about what marriage means and why same-sex couples belong. They’re engaging skeptics head-on. They are telling stories about real lesbians’ and gays’ love and commitment.

Working state by state is not just how you alter the law; it’s how you transform the country, creating meaningful change from the inside, instead of merely altering the law… It will also speed up the steady public opinion shift toward equality. Less than a decade ago, how many states performed same-sex marriage? Zero. Today, six states and the District of Columbia do. Nine others offer civil unions or domestic partnership,.. [and that is where it ought to remain. ghk]”

3,) We work with the Holy Spirit; Bishop Fulton Sheen is now Venerable Fulton Sheen. Also pray for the intercession of Blessed John Paul. He did it in Poland against communism. We do it in America.

4.) We have a lot of walking and telephoning to do before the presidential election and after the election. We change a negative into a positive. America will not be America anymore with same-sex marriage nationally legalized. Also, bring this matter to the Supreme Court.

5.) It seems we are living in a TWILIGHT ZONE where political correctness is the national secular religion. We fight this national secular religion. It is unconstitutional. It is against the 1st Amendment.

6.)Our Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they learn that the Obama government calls us bigots and homophobes because we believe that marriage is solely between a man and woman. Can you imagine also changing the definition of adultery, fornication and pornography?

7.) Natural law and common sense are not fake. [It is hard to stay away from the CINOP who is a fake.] It is great to have feelings; but not to rule our lives. Marriage is the foundation pillar of our country. Relativism is a destructive principle. Secularists will rewrite the 10 commandments.

8.) Our nation is 50% pro-life and 41% pro-choice. This is in spite of and thanks to the President Obama regime which just loves Planned Parenthood and Same-Sex Marriage etc.

9.) Many of us read the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. Let’s recall our great nation at that time. One-third of the country was neutral in this War for Independence. One-third were for King George and our now King Obamacare. One-third were for Independence. We are part of that one-third. We need to fight, teach and persuade the other two-thirds of our nation.

10.) Pray for an honest election; not a manufactured war with Iran or another financial crisis to persuade the country to reelect President Obama. Also, pray that Home Depot and Starbucks Coffee will stop promoting and supporting same-sex marriage. There are many other stores to shop at…

George H. Kubeck, Please support Priests for Life, and the many other pro-family organizations.

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