Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Two Cents with Hugh Hewitt on Talk Radio

My Two Cents with Hugh Hewitt on Talk Radio
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Hugh is on from 3-6 pm on KLAC 870 Talk Radio in Southern California. U.S.A.

It was for first time callers. The topic had to do with Justice Roberts’ Supreme Court Decision. I waited less than 15 minutes. It was after 3:30 pm on Thursday, July 5th. I jotted down the 5 cents on my mind.

Cent # 1 - Justice Roberts was definitely a conservative/liberal activist on the Obamacare decision. He did it for the sake of the Supreme Court.

Cent# 2 - He was influenced by the 2-faced-double-standard- Obama loving MEDIA. They do the talking points in this election cycle.

Cent # 3 - This media would have smeared the Supreme Court to death. It would have become a major election issue. Justice Roberts avoided this. It would have been the talking point of this presidential election. [WHAT FRIGHTENED ME AND POSSSIBLY JUSTICE ROBERTS IS THAT OBAMA AND HIS MEDIA WERE PREPARED TO DESTROY THE SUPREME COURT AS AN AMERICAN INSTITUTION IN ORDER TO RE-ELECT OBAMA!]

Cent # 4 - This decision will help the Republicans and Romney. It is now an education on the importance of the Constitution. [With the power of Congress to tax even a bad law can be constitutional. It is up to the people when they vote to make the correction.]

Cent # 5 - On the Supreme Court Justice Roberts will vote with the majority to repeal the HHS Mandate. [The Supreme Court will do this in spite of our nation’s tragedy, if they re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.]

George H. Kubeck, Obama’s media is dangerous and destructive. They are not interested in the truth. They can influence up to 5 to 10% of the voters. It is an absolute necessity for all pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family supporters to listen to talk radio and to call in particularly during this Presidential election time. You may not like Dennis Prager, Michael Medved or Rush at first. But Rush figuratively undresses the progressive and liberal mind and heart that they hate his guts.

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