Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Assault on Chick-fil-A

The Assault on Chick-fil-A
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, July 29, 2012

Down with living in the Pravda twilight zone of political correctness! For a breadth of fresh air let’s listen to excerpts of Mark Steyn’ article in the Orange County Register, California, this Sunday’s paper, “Don’t Cross the Forces of Tolerance.”

“To modify Lord Acton, power corrupts absolutely, but aldermanic power corrupts all der more manically. Proco “Joe Moreno is alderman of the First Ward of Chicago, and last week, in a city with an Aurora-size body count every weekend , his priority was to take the municipal tire-iron to the owners of a chain of fast-food restaurants.

“Because of this man’s ignorance,” said Alderman Moreno, “I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the First Ward. This man’s ignorance”? You mean of the city of Chicago permit process?… No, Alderman Moreno means “this man’s ignorance” of the approved position on same-sex marriage… The Muppets, for example, have reacted to Mr. Cathy’s observations by announcing that they’re severing all ties with Chick-fil-A. Did you know that the Muppet corporation has a position on gay marriage? Well they do…

“The city’s mayor, Rahm Emmanuel agrees with the alderman: Chick-fil-A does not represent “Chicago values” which is true if by “Chicago values” you mean machine politics. AIDS-conspiracy-peddling pastors and industrial-scale black youth homicide rates.

“But, before he was mayor, Rahm Emmanuel was president Obama’s chief of staff. Until the President’s recent “evolution” the Obama administration held the same position on gay marriage as Chick-fil-A. Would Alderman Moreno have denied Barack Obama the right to open a chicken restaurant in the First Ward…

“Meanwhile, fellow mayor Tom Menino announced that Chick-fil-A would not be coming in his burg anytime soon. “If they need licenses in the city, it will be very difficult,” said His Honor… this guy Menino isn’t the mayor of Soviet Cham under the Khmer Rouge, but of Boston, Mass. Nevertheless he shares the commissar’s view that in order to operate even a modest and politically inconsequential business it is necessary to demonstrate that one is in full ideological compliance with party orthodoxy…

“Yet when it comes to fighting homophobia on Boston’s Freedom Trail, His Honor is highly selective. As the Boston Herald’s Michael Graham pointed out, Menino is happy to hand out municipal licenses to groups whose most prominent figures calls for gays to be put to death. The mayor couldn’t have been more accommodating (including giving them $1.8 million of municipal land) of the new mosque of the Islamist Society of Boston, whose IRS returns listed as one of their seven trustees Yusuf al-Quardawi…

“In Mayor Menino’s Boston, if you take the same view of marriage as President Obama in 2009-2012, he’ll run you out of town… This inconsistency is very telling. The forces of “tolerance” and “diversity” are ever more intolerant of anything less than total ideological homogeneity. ..

“A few weeks back, Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor who “says he’s never voted for a Republican presidential candidate,” published a paper in the journal Social Science Research whose findings, alas, did not conform to the party line on gay parenting. Immediately the party of science set about ending his career, demanding he be investigated for “scientific misconduct” and calling on mainstream TV and radio networks to ban him…

“Americans talk more about liberty than citizens of other Western nations, but, underneath the rhetorical swagger, liberty bleeds… It’s not about marriage, it’s not about gays, it’s about a basic understanding that a free society requires a decent respect for a wide range of opinion without penalty by the state…”

George H. Kubeck - There are other places to vacation instead of Chicago or Boston.

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