Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Wise Bishop

The Wise Bishop

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, July 12, 2012

Preface: Historically and today, a wise U.S. Catholic bishop is surrounded and influenced by pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family advocates. If not, here are two examples of what happened last year, and decades ago.
1) Vatican Rules in Father Pavone’s Favor in Ministry Dispute: 7/2/12

2) How Obama Came to Chicago… by Reyes Flores, Wanderer, March 22, 2012

“CHICAGO - Last week we left off discussing Jerry Kellman, who, I wrote, was given unfettered access to Chicago’s Catholic churches by the bishops to guide them and lead them to the appropriate pastoral responses in addressing a myriad of social injustice, some real, some perceived, most concocted.

“Kellman was the guy who posted an ad in The New York Times seeking a organizer for his Calumet Community Religious Conference. This is the ad that brought Barack Hussein Obama to Chicago.

Kellman himself came from New Jersey because the newly formed United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) needed an organizer. UNO is now a powerful Chicago entity that acts as a strong arm of the Democrat Party and has taken over many former Catholic schools…

“Still worse than all of this shows us the ties that bind the now-sorry Catholic bishops’ long history of liberalism and Obama’s current attack on Catholics.

“Let’s examine this community organizing phenomena a little closer. Saul Alinsky always said that one must go to the people, not ask but tell them what their problems are, and cause a reaction. It’s equivalent to the games sometimes children play when they egg on one kid to pick a fight with another kid.

“Even if the poor person living in a ghetto or barrio seems to accepting of his lot in life, the community organizer is there to tell him that his conditions are the fault of someone or some institution. Never mind teaching personal responsibility to people. The street agitator’s job is to sell the idea of victim hood.

“The community organization already has a target in the crosshairs and then it’s the organizers job to get the people’s blood boiling, get mad as hell, and to and “sic’em.” The organizer sees the person as not much more than a dog or a useful idiot which he or she can command at will to do his dirty work. The organizer will call this “leadership development” or “empowering” the individual.

“Who made the community organizer such a powerful entity to have the ability to “empower” others? Oh, that’s right … the liberal clergy and laity in the Catholic Church.

“Funded through the Church’s Campaign for Human Development, Obama’s job was the typical community organizer’s job. Go out and agitate people about their conditions, use them, at the end of the day, the only winners are the community organizations and the political cronies who benefit by voter registration drives that are really blatant canvassing efforts in favor of liberal politicians.

“The people “organized” are nothing more than pawns for the political self-interest of the community organizers, their organizations, and their cronies. I refer to this as poverty pimping. The community organizations knowingly perpetuate the perceived need for them to be there as the “problem-solvers.”

“I will note that in 99% of communities with community organizations in them, the communities rarely improve and oftentimes become even worse. I have said it a thousand times.”…

George H. Kubeck, The above explains how the Catholic Church was conned into contributing more than 10 million dollars to Obama’s ACORN in the past. None today!

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