Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Slow Death for America
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

(A Letter to the Editor by Mike McCoy in the Orange County Register, Ca., Sun., 8-8-12)

Speaking at a rally shortly before taking his office, President Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America.” Obama walked with a swagger and spoke with a powerful confidence that attracted many of us into believing that he would, indeed, turn this country around. He filled us with promises of “hope and change” and had us eating out of his hand with his great sense of humor. What a guy.

However, a clue to what his “fundamental change” meant was given to an earlier campaign stop. It was a simple, yet profound, question asked by a man named Joe. You know, the plumber guy.

Joe told Obama that he was starting a business and asked, “Why are you going to raise my taxes?” Obama explained his plan for the country by telling Joe, “We just need to spread the wealth around.”

Obama’s people have tried to divert attention away from the question and put Joe in a negative light by saying, “Hey, the guy is not even a licensed plumber.” That absurd answer should have sounded a warning siren about the character of those who would soon govern our country, but Obama’s followers fell for it and blindly followed by saying. “Yeah, the guy is not even a licensed plumber!” The mudsling, truth-twisting, attention-diverting tactics by Obama’s followers were off and running.

So now near the end of Obama’s first term, and I’ve never seen this country so divided and such a mess. The fact that our huge national debt gets bigger every day should frighten every American who can do basic math. It sickens me that anyone is called “racist” who criticizes Obama or believes that American citizens’ rights should come before those who sneak across the border. I can’t trust our truth-twisting national media anymore.

So how long does it take to see that this administration’s policies simply aren’t working? The liberal philosophy has proven not to be the best way to run a state or country. You don’t need to look at Greece. Just look at California. Our state has been run by Democrats for 40 of the last 42 years and look we are at the bottom of almost every category in the country.

We have higher unemployment than 47 other states. Yet, the Democratic Party says they are the “party of the working man.” Maybe all you unemployed “working men” should pay more attention to what the Democratic Party has really done for you.

What this country’s economy needs are hardworking people to become “achievers.” They are the ones who create employment for others - you know, the “nonachievers.”

Given the way our democracy works, this is what scares me: When “nonachievers” outnumber the “achievers” our country will then be, as Obama promised “fundamentally changed.” The “nonachievers” can then vote to take even more money our of the pockets of the “achievers,” who, ironically, are the very people who hire “nonachievers.” It’s a recipe for even higher unemployment and the slow death of America. Folks in Nov. we need to change course.

George H. Kubeck, Down with Obama and the CINO Politicians Congresswomen Loretta & Linda Sanchez.

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