Wednesday, July 18, 2012

America's Useful Idiots

America’s Useful Idiots

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Excerpts from the above article by Steve McCann in the American Thinker - July 17/12

“The term “useful idiot” more than ever applies to a vast swath of citizens in the United States who have been cynically used by the hardcore left for a cause they are unwilling to understand… Among the mysteries confronting those of us who have immigrated to the United States from countries that have experienced the devastating outcome of socialist/Marxist ideology is why seemingly successful and educated people could so easily swayed to support those whose end game it to transform the country into a socialist “utopia” and to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans…

“The answer appears to be that despite the hardcore left accounting for less than 20% of the population, their influence extends far beyond thanks to the apparent inability of their peripheral supporters to use any modicum of reasoning - as the left in the United States has been able to identify and manipulate those susceptible to emotional arguments…

“The siren song of a society wherein all are treated fairly and there are no absolutes found eager ears. In short order, the left began to portray their political adversaries as intolerant religious zealots whose primary objective was to deny personal freedom and cast a beady eye toward whatever was happening in the bedroom. An unfettered lifestyle as well as being part of the in-crowd is of paramount importance to not only the vast majority of those in the entertainment and media arena, but also many in the general population…

“The left now had a virtual stranglehold on the self-centered, whose personal pleasure and egocentrism were the primary driving forces in their lives… The passage of Obamacare is not a health care plan; rather, it is a blueprint to allow the government to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans, and under the guise of budgetary expediency, the bureaucrats in Washington can and eventually will declare any behavior they choose unacceptable…

“One of the most consistent supporters of the Democratic Party is the Jewish population… However, this is the party now dominated and controlled by hardcore leftists, many … are virulently anti-Semitic & opposed to the state of Israel. A hallmark of all socialist/Marxist regimes is discrimination & persecution of minorities, particularly Jews…

“Barack Obama would not be occupying the Oval Office it were not for the people over the past sixty years who have blindly supported those who have lied to them… “the end justifies the means” - thus, no lie is too big to tell, no promise too outrageous to promote, and no tactic out of bounds… conducts a demagogic campaign based solely on emotional appeals to that part of the population its operatives consider “useful idiots.”…

“Therefore, while still using the class-warfare dialog to keep the lower classes stirred up, the left has, beginning in the 1930’s but accelerating in the 1960’s, combined class warfare with the promotion of guilt for one’s success and falsely portraying their ideological enemies as being intolerant extremists whose single-minded determination is to limit and control everyone’s lifestyle, and who are at their core virulent racists. YET LEFTISTS ARE JUST WHAT THEY ACCUSE THEIR OPPONENTS OF BEING. …

“The Obama administration represents the culmination of this process, as leftists have, through an avalanche of mandates, regulations, and laws, began weaving a suffocating web around the American free market, as they assume complete control of the economy…”

George H. Kubeck, We have a secular leftist religion which we must cope head-on with the CINOP.

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