Friday, July 6, 2012

Raymond Cardinal Burke - in English and Spanish

Raymond Cardinal Burke - in English and Spanish

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, July 6, 2012

He is the current Cardinal Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Vatican
Regarding the Catholic obligation on voting: Oct. 2010 interview:

“I wanted to make sure that the faithful would realize that they have the very serious moral obligation in voting, to vote for those candidates who would uphold the truth of the moral law which of course also serves the greatest good of everyone in society.

Del Vaticano Raymond Cardenal Burke explica relacion aborto-voto:

“Me queria que los creyentes cayeral en la cuenta que tienen una pbligacion moral muy seria al votar por aquellos candidates que sostengan la verdad de lla moral, la cual evidentemente tambien sirve para el mayor bien de todos en la sociedad.

“So what is scandal? Scandal is either doing something or omitting to do something that leads other people into confusion or error about the moral good. And here’s the perfect example.

Catholics who betray their Catholic Faith in their political life as legislators or judges, or whatever it may be leading other people to believe that abortion must not be the great evil that it is, that abortion is in fact a good thing in some circumstances. NO, YOU CAN NEVER VOTE for someone who favors absolutely what’s called “right to choice” of a woman to destroy the human life in her womb, with the right to a procured abortion.

This is the most fundamental and critical area, the protection of the innocent and defenseless human life BUT YOU COULD NEVER JUSTIFY VOTING for a candidate who not only does not want to limit abortion but believes that it should be available to everyone.

?Que es escandalo? Escandalo es hacer algo, o dejar de hacer algo, que induce a otras personas a la confusion y al error sobre algun bien moral. Este es el ejemplo perfecto: catolicos que traicionan sus fe catolica en la vida politica, como legisladores o jueces o lo que sean, lievando otras personas a pensar que el aborto no es el gravisimo mal que en realidad es, o que el aborto es de hecho algo Buena en determinadas circunstancias.

NO. Nunca puedes votar por alguien que favorezcade manera absoluta en su vientre, o el derecho a tener acceso a prodedimientos de aborto.

Esta es el area MAS CRITICA y fundamental, la proteccion de indecencies e inocentes vidas humans. Nunca se puede justificar votar por un dandidato que no solo no quiere restringir el aborto sino que ademas piensa que es algo que debe estar disponible para todos.

Blessed John Paul in Christifidelis Laici: “Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights-for-example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture - is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the conditions for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.” “Se ha hecho habitual hablar, y con razon, sobre los derechos humanos; como por ejemplo sobre elf derecho a la salud, a la casa, al trabajo, a la familia y a la cultura. De todo modos, esa preoccupation resulta falsa e ilusoria si no se defiende con la maxima determinacion el derecho a la vida como el derecho primero y fontal, condicion de todos las otros derechos de law persona.” George H. Kubeck

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