Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Amateur - Barack Hussein - 1

The Amateur - Barack Hussein - 1
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, July 28, 2012

“Beware of any amateur or pied piper; his spirit rules the world”

Eureka! We found an honest journalist. You decide. His name is Edward Klein. He wrote a book about our President Barack Obama. This is the first in a series. I respect the Office of the President. It is difficult to fill. May I share with you the last 5 pages of the book in Klein’s own words. It tells us how the President plans to get reelected.

“When voters are asked in 2012, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” they can give only one possible answer: “No!” Therefore, the only way Obama can win a second term in the White House by diverting attention from his incompetence and sliming his Republican opponent.

“Over $15 trillion in debt,” writes Joe Hagan in New Yorker Magazine, [more than 8] percent unemployment, yawing structural problems , a severely gridlocked government - Obama is in a box, and there is only one way out of his box: THE LOW ROAD.

“Obama knows this, and he is gearing up for a campaign that will in no way resemble his inspirational “hope and change” campaign in 2008. This time around, his goal is to raise and overwhelming $1 billion campaign chest, unleash super-PAC backed by the unlimited financial resources of such leftwing billionaires as George Soros, and get down in the mud and wage the ugliest campaign in modern American history. p. 254

“It’s a deeply pessimistic time,” says Steve Schmidt, who served as senior strategist to the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain in 2008...

“Obama’s strategy will be to convince voters the he isn’t the issue - that his Republican opponent is the issue - and that, as France’s Louis XV famously said, “After me, the flood.” The idea will be to frighten voters away from the “scary” Republican alternative.

“This is a choice about who we are and what we stand for,” Obama declared, “and whoever win this next election is going to set the template for this country for a long time to come… The alternative I think is an approach to government that would fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st Century.” p.255

“Cripple America, Strong words that suggest a Republican president would devastate, ruin, and destroy the United States. One can just imagine David Axelrod sitting in his war room in Chicago and screening the infamous 1964 anti-Barry Goldwater TV commercial, which created for President Lyndon Johnson by Tony Schwartz of Doyle Dane Bernbach, and which showed a little girl picking petals from a daisy while an ominous-sounding male voice counted down to the launch of nuclear missile. As the camera slowly zoomed in, her eye was filled with an atomic mushroom cloud.

“The implication was that Goldwater would start a nuclear war and cripple America, destroy it. A voice over from Johnson stated, “These are the stakes! To make a world in which all of God’s children can live, or to go into the dark. We must love each other, or we must die.” Then another voiceover, this one from sportscaster Chris Schenkel, said, “Vote for President Johnson on November 3. The stakes are too high for you to stay home. p. 256

“It’s a pretty safe bet that David Axelrod will try to devise an updated version of the “Daisy Girl” commercial in 2012, and that Barack Obama’s mantra will be: The stakes are too high for you to vote for that frightening Republican. …” [Mitt Romney] to be continued.

George H. Kubeck - Be forewarned of a twilight zone. This election will be a kind of brainwashing and psychological warfare against the American people in order for Obama to get reelected.

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