Sunday, July 22, 2012

One Nation Under Government - Not Under God

One Nation Under Government - Not Under God
In pursuit of the truth - cinops*be gone - Sunday, July 22, 2012

Preface: It is unbelievable what has occurred in America since our President Barack Obama was inaugurated in Jan. 2009. About 54% of American Catholics voted for him. He is still our President until Nov. 6th. He wants to transform us into becoming Europeans.

Even CINOPs V.P. Biden and former Chief of Staff Daley advised the President and CINOP Sebelius not to do the HHS Mandate. [*Catholic-in-name-only politicians.]

The policies of President Obama both domestic and foreign frighten me to the nth degree and it is the one reason I e-mail one or two letters each day to persuade and inform. With almost 1500 posted letters since 2007, we do get about 6,000 results each day and with your help, you can double and triple that.

“The level of a society can always be recognized by what it deems worthy of protection.” Pope Benedict XVI in today’s meditation, Co-Workers of the Truth.

Again the weekly “Westminster Herald” has blessed us with the above titled article by Catholic author Phyllis Schlafly July 19th issue. Here are only several of the highlights!

He is determined to transform America into a totally secular land where religion is permitted only within the walls of a church and is banned in every public place, public gathering and public school.

Obama tipped us off to his animosity toward religious Americans when, campaigning in San Francisco in 2008, he insulted religious people in small towns. He said, they “they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiments as a way to explain their frustration.” [I would like a reporter to ask him to elaborate more on the above.]

In April 2009, Obama delivered a speech at Georgetown University, only after his staff had pressured the Catholic college to conceal the monogram for the name of Jesus that was always displayed above the podium. [That would be a reason to cancel the talk.]

In May 2009, he cancelled the traditional White House event honoring National Day of Prayer, saying that he would pray only in private.

Obama began censoring religious words out of important American documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, from which many times deleted the word “Creator.”

In a November 2010, speech, Obama pretended to quote the U.S. national motto, “In God We Trust,” but he changed it to “e pluribus Unum” (out of many one.)

In July 2011, Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs banned any mention of Jesus Christ during burials at Houston National Cemetery. The ban was lifted only after hundreds of demonstrators protested…

George H. Kubeck - The Guadalupe Celebration will help America. It is on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012 at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum -- prayer, music and speakers,

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