Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I Learned from Chicago?

What I Learned from Chicago?
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A chicken in the car and the car can’t go and that’s the way to spell Chicago.

Seriously, the first thing that comes to my mind is stuffed ballots and dead people voting. That’s where ACORN learned how to do it!

Secondly, it is the past corrupt mayor Richard Daley of Chicago. He is a Catholic, I don’t know how he got away with it; pay to play politics, bribery etc. Surely, he is the poster boy of the future CINOP - Catholic-in-name-only politician.

Thirdly, I remember the voting results coming in from the Presidential elections in 1960 between Nixon and Kennedy. Chicago’s Cook County came in with the stuffed ballot votes, winning Illinois for Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson had something similar happening in Texas. President Eisenhower told Nixon to go ahead with a legal challenge to the results. Nixon did not pursue it. [I was a strong Nixon supporter. Supported him because of the enemies he had. He helped put the traitor Alger Hiss in jail and was much more qualified to deal with communist Russia and the nation. Whittaker Chambers book, The Witness is still an excellent read. I could not vote for Nixon because I was a legal immigrant and not yet a citizen. I volunteered RA for three years & was stationed in Metz, France. 1959-1961]

Fourthly, honesty in presidential and all elections is the best policy. Be prepared and watch what will happen in this year’s presidential election. A president can make or break a country. [With Nixon as president in 1960, we would never have had the Bay of Pigs. Cuba would be a free country instead of enslaved for more than 50 years. We had the Monroe Doctrine. Castro’s communist rule is a judgment on liberalism, progressivism and the Democratic Party. We would have avoided the tragedies of the Vietnam War and Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. Billions of dollars were spent and it destroyed the Black American Family. Enough said.]

Fifthly, we have this Chicago mindset for decades. The good guy mindset are Democrats and lefties. The bad guys are independents, Republicans, conservatives and libertarians. The lefties include sophisticated communists, anarchist and terrorists. Imagine this mindset in Orange County, California. We would have characters like Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky , Bill Ayers etc. That’s the environment President Barack Obama came into and is using on a national scale. The attacks on Romney will be Chicago style. Will the two-faced, double-standard media go along? Yes!

Sixthly, I remember reading Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.” He mentioned twice Cardinal Bernadin. However, we find out that about 40 parts of the book are make believe. Maybe President Obama should check with ghostwriter Bill Ayers to rewrite the book.

Seventhly, the Chicago mentality is not America and never will be America unless President Barack Obama is reelected. Catholic voters and bishops in America should realize this. The so-called social justice of Saul Alinsky and terrorist Bill Ayers is evil. We can’t allow ourselves to be useful idiots for their leftist and culture of death causes.

George H. Kubeck, I took notes of the above weeks ago. Finally, got it off my mind.

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